Monday, July 20, 2020

Tell Me How You 'Really' Feel

I was the second person to walk through the Decatur Target Store yesterday (Sunday) morning. When I left 35-minutes later, I was perhaps one of a total 6-shoppers in the entire store; appears to be a good time to shop Target.

After putting away groceries, I watered the garden and brought a few tomatoes and Zucchini's in for supper. Due to the stifling heat/humidity, I passed on yard work and walking. Got on the treadmill instead. I later joined my wife in the family room where she was already immersed in a Hallmark Christmas movies marathon event. I withheld my usual snide remarks and began reading the newspaper.

After my reading, I watched the movie for about 10-minutes, which took it to the conclusion, I guess. Here's what happened, I bent over to pick up Toy Poodle, Yodie and when I straightened up I think another movie had begun with one of the central characters from the previous movie. I said to my wife, "Hallmark should blow a siren between movies so you know when one movie ends and another begins." Whoa, Buddy, the girl was loaded and laying-in-wait as she quickly snapped, "At least I don't have to watch a boring back and forth parade of a free throw shooting contest at the end of my Hallmark movie or the endless changing of pitchers before a four-hour baseball game's conclusion!"

Like Ray Charles sang, "Everybody's got to their own opinion and you know, I SURE got mine..."

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