My parents provided me and my two brothers with a 'blueprint.' Consider: We attended church. We bathed every day and presented ourselves properly in public. We were 'seen' and not heard in adult company. We respected our neighbors. We were not reckless with money. We had curfews. We ate our evening meal together as a family as we shared events of the day. Our family ate out occasionally on Sunday or on a special occasion. We lived with 'moderation' as a guideline.
Today, I notice many differences in the American family. It is apparent from observing the nightly parking lots of restaraunts few families are eating at home and families rarely eat together. That said, most families seem to be undisciplined when it comes to eating in 'moderation.' Let me cut to the plain truth...we're a fat society, generally speaking. Oh I know, my use of the word 'fat' is politically incorrect but you, too have observed obesity abounds!
I am certain that as our appetites and bellies grow our self-discipline proportionately declines. We need not angst over the self-discipline erosion because there is a fix. For many years, some adults with weight issues have opted for bariatric surgery. I understand that some people must pursue weight surgical control efforts for uncontrollable health issues, however many such gastric-bypass surgeries to reduce stomach size has become a risky exercise driven by mental weakness. Recently, pediatric physicians have 'signed-off' on adolescent bariatric surgery. Therefore, the medical field keeps pace with the current parenting philosophy of NOT telling children NO for fear of damaging their self-esteem and thus we now risk unknown physical problems for our young in both the short and long-term.
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