Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It Happened Just That Way !

Last week, I picked up a few items at Lowe's and since my auto was parked just outside the garden-area, I elected to check out there. The young female cashier rang up the prices and said that I owed $47.11. I pulled out my check book and requested a pen. The cashier matter-of-factory said, "I don't have a pen." She stared at me for a moment seemingly to indicate that the burden was on me. When I did not respond, she asked the next gentleman in the checkout line, "Do you have a pen?" He indicated he did not and turned to go elsewhere to check out.

After several moments of the continued stare-standoff with the cashier, I pushed my shopping cart to the side and walked to the parking lot. I was going to retrieve a pen from my automobile. I re-entered the garden area only to find several people in the checkout line. I left the area and went to the customer service desk. I explained the garden area 'no pen' /I don't care dilemma. The four people at the service desk simply glanced at each other as if to hope someone in their midst had a customer-friendly response...none was forthcoming. I paid at the service desk and as I turned to leave, one clerk said, "If you are leaving through the garden area would you consider giving your pen to the cashier?" Folks, I could not make up such crap!!

My point is this: The customer waits upon self, gathers merchandise and brings it to a rather disinterested party who expects the customer to place items on a conveyor, bag items, show identification when writing a check and produce a pen with which to write.

Generally speaking, 'service sucks!'

Monday, June 29, 2015

Get Over Self & See Others

Between appointments, I was enjoying my McDonald's senior-coffee and reading the USA Today. The booth next to me held four fellas of the retirement brotherhood. Did not take long for me to decipher their collective religious and political views. We old farts talk loudly because we believe everyone has the same compromised hearing.

These conservative birds were intermingling their religious beliefs against the recent Supreme Court ruling, which legalized gay marriages. They also placed their financial interest against the same court's ruling about Obamacare. Surely, you know they were blaming everything on Obama.

I was irritated by their not so subtle suggestion that 'conservative folks' enjoyed a closer walk with Jesus. In light of their vociferous intolerant commentary and hatefulness expressed towards President Obama, I dare say the likes of such are NOT walking close to Christ.

Finally, I suspect these gentlemen were 'left behind' in their educational experiences considering they have no understanding of the U. S. branches of government and our constitution. The last time I looked, the Supreme Court had five (5) very conservative judges appointed by very conservative Presidents. The remaining four (4) judges were of liberal persuasion appointed by same thinking Presidents. These people interpret the law. Whatever decisions they make should not be laid at the feet of the serving President...follow the dots.

Finally, would you old tight penny-pinching farts stop bringing yesterday's McDonald's cup to get 'ongoing' refills; even conservative ideas have limitations. Your cheapness derails Reagan's 'trickle down' economic theory causing a stall in minimum wage increase for your grandkids.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Between a Pain & a Pill

My aunt Kate died a few years ago at age 99. Several years before her death, she decided to stop taking all prescribed medications. Her thinking was the Meds had too many bad side effects. The decision appeared to be a good one but I would stop short of recommending it.

 On the other side of the issue, it is widely known that better than twenty- five percent of prescription drugs are driven by patient requests. I can understand how this happens. Oldsters like me sit on their butts watching too much TV and we digest one drug advertisement after another. Chances are good something hurts us some place. Therefore, we make a mental note and during our next social outing, which is at a physician's office, we ask the doctor for the drug. The doctors write the scrip just to 'keep-the-line-moving.'

I saw a med ad on T V just the other day...here are the side effects: gas, diarrhea, headache, stomach pain, black stools, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, fast or slow breathing, irregular heartbeat, throat pain, trouble swallowing, fever, chills, sore throat, red-swollen or blistered skin, swelling in hands ankles or feet, tiredness, weight gain, weight loss, dizziness, suicide thoughts, vision changes, yellow eyes, yellow skin and rooting for the Chicago Cubs.
Gotta get some of those 'pills!'

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Feel Free; I Do

At the close of these comments feel free to Facebook  'unfriend' me; I will understand and not be offended. That said, I must speak to my true feelings and perspective. Fox News is not legitimate news but a television network driving the 'conservative' agenda much like MSNBC, which perpetuates the liberal agenda.

Recent days held three significant American news stories: (1) the racial/political assassination of nine Black people as they shared an evening Bible study class in their church, (2) Supreme Court decision making same-sex marriage legal and (3) a Supreme Court decision upholding elements of the health care coverage. All three stories pissed off the Fox Folks.

On Friday, June 26, President Obama delivered the eulogy for the slain South Carolina State Senator and pastor of the Emanuel AME Church, one of the nine gunned down by the alleged racist. Obama was not the only dignitary present at the funeral services.

CNN News covered the event as did MSNBC. Absent from the news worthy funeral services was Fox News. I would suspect if the event was Blacks demonstrating in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, Fox News would be all over that scene. Where was Fox News on THIS day? Their news team was interviewing guests regarding Hilary Clinton's unreleased emails when she was Secretary of State.

If you think for a moment that Fox News does not embrace 'boogieman' stories and divisive-scare tactics to persuade the public and drive their agenda then knock the scales from your eyes and hit the 'unfriend' button!

Friday, June 26, 2015


'One's perception is one's reality.' That concept appears irrefutable. This mindset is an anchor found in all prejudicial attitudes. It works like this...one develops (learned behavior) attitudes based on and supported by a set of beliefs. The pivotal point, which ultimately demonstrates prejudice occurs when one's belief is proven incorrect but that individual refuses to accept that proof and 'grabs' another belief that will support the continued prejudicial attitude. (Note: Talk to one of your racial-prejudice friends (we have one or two) and test the hypothesis.)

Some 'beliefs' overtime become urban myths. Let me explain. Approximately seventeen years ago, my wife and I moved to Decatur, Illinois. Many friends and some family members questioned our move suggesting that Decatur was crime ridden and thus unsafe. During this time period, I have noticed a fair share of crime in our new home city. That said, I always felt that Decatur was getting a bad rap on this crime issue.

A recent study appears to support my suspion and vindicate Decatur. Following is a list of the top ten most dangerous Illinois cities; the list was created  by taking each city's violent crime rate number per 100,000. Violent crimes were murder, rape, robberies, and aggravated assault.                                    10. Decatur 9. Bloomington 8. Peoria 7. Champaign  6. Springfield 5. Danville 4. Rockford                3. Carbondale  2. Harvey 1. East St. Louis.

Considering the fact that my wife and I were both born and raised in East St. Louis and now live in Decatur, I'm feeling like 'The Jeffersons;' "We're moving on up to the East Side to a delux apartment in the sky..."

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Privacy is Dead

E.V. and Mary (Mammy) Bennett were my maternal grandparents. Mammy was the most devout Christian I have ever known.  E.V. had a negative view of the telephone. In the 1940's most neighborhoods had 'party-line' telephone service. When wishing to telephone someone, you picked up the receiver and a 'live' operator would ask, "Number, please?" You gave her the number and she connected the call. Sometimes when picking up the receiver, you would hear a conversation between two people; that's because one was 'on' your party line. You could hang up or eavesdrop if you like. I never listened. I was not interested in gallstone surgery, grown kids who didn't visit their parents or which neighbor's dog was crapping on someone's petunias.

I do remember how happy the women folks were when we got a private telephone line. The ladies could stay on the phone for longer periods of time and use the phone more frequently. Gossip would know no boundaries because your phone conversations were private. E. V. would often say, "Mary, that telephone is the devil's device."

Today with social media, we seem to keep very little private. Today, we wish for everyone to know (at all times) where we are, what we are doing and with whom we are ignoring while we text others and send pictures to verify our life experiences.

I wonder what Grandpa E.V. Would say about my smart phone and iPad?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Oh, For the Days of Jackie & Sam

Last week, my wife and I watched one of those amateur talent competition television shows. A young 'Black' male performer was introduced and bounded onto to the stage holding a microphone in his right hand while his left-hand had a 'death-grip' on his penis/crotch area. His pants bagged, tattoos covered his arms, three silver chains hung from his neck and his red baseball cap matched his basketball shoes. He bounced about the stage for approximately four minutes yelling poorly assembled rhymes. The young man had zero talent but a strong love attachment for  his 'wee-wee.'

When he finished, my wife said, "Have you ever seen anything more disgusting than that?"
I said, "Yes, matter-of-fact I have seen WORSE. I once saw a 'white' rapper 'acting' like a 'black' rapper; it was both disgusting and pathetic."

I'm sorry but I recall the neatly attired suit & tie dress of Jackie Wilson, Sam Cooke, Don Cornell and The Temptations. Not to mention the fact that those singers could SING.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Subliminal & Symbolic Hate

The reality is our country can do little to stop the promotion of hate. Freedom of speech is wonderful, however free speech becomes a terminal cancer in the absence of a moral compass. Americans struggle with common sense morality and simple kindness. Nearly seventy percent of our population claims to follow the teachings of Christ...I don't buy it!

The American culture is conducive to acting out hate. Example: The Confederate flag flies over a State Capital and remains a subliminal reminder of our hate history. I'm sorry but when one side gets its ass kicked in a 'war' they don't get to display their flag any longer. Except for future Texas school history books, The South lost the Civil War; get over it, Bubba!

Many free-speech bumper stickers perpetuates racism...example...
                      'A Million People Attended Obama's Inauguration and Fourteen Missed Work.'
If that is funny to you then you are filled with a mean spirit not the Holy Spirit and your 'walk' with Christ pales in comparison to the forgiving Christians seated in the Emanuel AME Church pews in Charleston, SC; ponder that truth!

While in Florida this past winter, I was behind a pickup truck; The back window was covered with the Confederate flag and the bumper sticker Read:   'Obama: The Quicker Fucker Upper'
Just below the bumper was a large flesh color ornament of male testicles hanging nearly to the ground. Hip, Hip, Hooray for the First Amendment; I am sure the driver was carrying a gun and favors prayer in public schools.

The mentally and emotionally fragile people are insecure. In order to 'feel' superior, these people must have 'some' identifiable group to suppress, blame and execute acts of hatred. Come on folks, that was key to the rise of Nazi Germany.

Monday, June 22, 2015

How Could I Not?

This past Saturday, my wife and I went to UIS gymnasium (Springfield) to attend a summer high school basketball shootout. Our son's Granite City team was among sixteen team's participating. It had been years since being in that once very familiar arena environment.

I saw many old coaching colleagues. It was truly enjoyable re-mewing those special friendships. It was equally nice to have a number of my son's players and some local players show respect in their efforts to converse. My son was kind to invite me to share comments and evaluation remarks with his team at the conclusion of their play.

At one point during the afternoon, a long time basketball referee asked me how long I had been retired from coaching. I told him it had been fourteen seasons. He then asked, "Do you miss it?"
I told him, "There are a a myriad of things about coaching that I don't miss but one thing I still miss is NOT having a TEAM." Understand that for thirty-seven consecutive basketball years, I had a team, a group of 'my guys.' Each year, I had names of a dozen or so players running through my head all year long. I would think of players' positions and combinations of possible lineups.

I was blessed. My God gave me three children but he put me in a career that allowed me to have hundreds young boys who would be part of my coach's family. I miss those coach-players interaction days, I suppose that I always shall. How could I not?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Stupid Stuff My Daddy Said

After grass cutting, I was sitting on the backyard swing and I thought of my Dad. Before lawnmower grass catchers my dad insisted that we double-cut the grass. You made a forward swath-cut and then drug the mower back through the same swath. This way you continued to displace grass clippings, sending them to one end of the yard where they could be picked up. I never asked 'why?'  Dad would have simply said, "Because I said so!"

I recall the first goofy thing he insisted on: "We are having guests tonight...remember you are to be seen and not heard." Of course, at the start of each school year, dad would say, "Don't make me have to come to the school house and remember if you get a spanking at school you'll get one when you come home." Imagine a parent who NOT only stifled his child's charm with house guests but would take the teacher's side against his own blood?

"Any job worth doing is worth doing right." That statement had to be some crap he brought home from World War II. Another dumb comment he often made was..."Hey boy, straighten up a fly right."
And how about this, my Dad would NOT give me an allowance. He said, "If you need money ask for a job to do." My mother had the shiniest hardwood floors in East St. Louis.

During my teen years, my Dad would always insist that I be home 'before shallow hours' began (midnight) and "Don't let your mouth overload your ass out on the streets."

 I thank God (everyday) that I had the Dad I had. I miss him and wish that I could share this Father's Day.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Our Sins Will Find Us Out

During my youth, family members were always in Grace Methodist Church (East St. Louis, Illinois) every Wednesday night. They studied scripture, shared testimony and sang gospel hymns. I'm certain that they never felt unsafe. The 1940's & 1950's were not free of prejudice, discrimination and racism. Perhaps those AME Churches on Piggott and Bond Avenues in East St. Louis' south end did feel unsafe.

Two nights ago, several black people gathered in their Charleston, South Carolina Church to praise their Lord. Ten black people were shot by a deranged young white male; nine of those God loving folks died. 

We must all examine our own donation to a culture, which produces such acts of hatred and heinous crimes against mankind. Every person who has used a racial slur, every person who has laughed at a racial joke, all people who are intolerant and promote divisiveness based on ethnicity have 'ownership' to this growing nationwide 'hate-sickness.'

MSNBC, Fox News and their respective spin-doctors of ugly-divisiveness have blood on their hands. Popular radio talk show (political) pundits with their daily subliminal hate language promote intolerance for minority races, immigrants, gays and anyone who holds different views.

Every American should stuff their superior pompous attitude and condescending tones about other nations' atrocities towards mankind. Matter-of-fact, we Americans have enough shit to shovel in our own backyard. Secondly, all Americans should ask themselves two questions: (1) If a Black person cannot be BLACK in his own CHURCH, where the hell can he be Black? (2) Who's guarding the doors at YOUR Church?
There should be nationwide outrage about lacking mental health care  and the ease of gun access.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Best of the Worst

I am delighted to see Donald Trump enter the (2016) Republican field as a candidate for the office of President. I believe that Mr. Trump is the ONE candidate that more completely represents the philosophical beliefs of the GOP. Should he get the nomination, I would place him in the same league  as the 1948 GOP candidate, Thomas E. Dewey who lost a close election to Harry S. Truman.

With regards to financial interests, social issues and international relations, Donald Trump stands tallest, in the ditch, with conservative values. I will keep my fingers crossed that Trump becomes the Republican standard bearer. I do understand that 'The  Donald' may NOT BE embraced with great fervor by the creditors from his four (4) bankruptcies and his two (2) ex-wives, but Hey, some gotta win and some gotta lose...and Trump always wins. Trump is worth 8+ billion dollars and that is a huge upside for Republican voters.

If Donald became President Trump, he would replace John Adams as the President with the worst hair-do. Goodness gracious, I cannot wait to see a Trump and Rick Perry on the same debate stage.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Forked Tongue

I pray daily for strength and tolerance to restrain from judging those whom I perceive as mean-spirited, judgmental and phony Christians. Case in point: Recently, some 'Christians' with strong right-wing political views and agendas were critical of Pastor Joel Olsteen and his wife, Victoria. Joel stated that he was impressed with President Obama. The Pastor said that he believed Obama is a Christian and stated that Obama is doing a good job under immense pressure. Victoria Olsteen complimented the First Lady, Michelle Obama for her committed efforts. The critical comments towards the Olsteens from the right was quick and ugly. One right-wing publication suggested that Pastor Olsteen was either an idiot to make those statements or Obama had some 'dirt' on the Olsteens.

 I am not a scholar of Presidential performances, I would suspect most serving Presidents did some good and most fell short in areas while in office.  I find it disturbingly disgusting that blanket hateful comments are readily offered by either political party; Especially by any party or person who claims Christ as Lord. Those who do so insult Christianity.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Asking The Question / Knowing The Answer

Occasionally, I hear claims that the United States has the most powerful military in the world. Regardless the degree of our military strength, we appear to have some difficulties reigning-in some bad guys.

Al Qaeda and ISIS continue to create havoc in the Middle East and America's strength seemingly cannot bring it to a close. We do show military might to clear the streets of Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland but I'll be damn if we can secure our airport check points or get Nevada ranchers off Federal land where they continue to illegally graze cattle.

Look, let's cut through the crap. When 'black' protesters refused to vacate the streets of Ferguson and Baltimore, military force was on the scene and got it done. Why does the government not bring military force to the Nevada grazing lands where 'white' ranchers refuse to get out of the street?

Monday, June 15, 2015

Forgive Our Foolish Pride

'The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.' We have all heard the phrase. Many have experienced the realities. After thirteen years engaged as a competitive participant, I then embraced thirty-nine years coaching competitive athletic teams. I know the sweetness of victorious celebration and the empty loneliness of defeat.

My father's early tutoring conditioned me to be humble in victory and resolved in defeat. He likewise instilled in me that I must never permit winning or losing to define me. He said the measure of a person is the willingness to compete again and again.

Often times, sport consumes the spirit when perspective is skewed. Let me share a sobering moment that seared sport perspective in my mind forever. I was nineteen years old. I had just completed my first year playing basketball and baseball at Illinois State. I was successful and filled with self. One summer evening, I was standing at the kitchen window with my mother looking out on our backyard basketball court. A 12 year old neighbor boy, David was shooting baskets alone. I said, "Mom, David is not growing very much." Mother spoke softly with a cracking voice, "David is very sick. His mom and dad shared with us a few weeks ago that David has leukemia."  Four months later, my mother wrote to tell me David had died. He was a young boy who never played the games and never experienced the thrill of victory, only the agony of a terrible defeat.

I coached nearly 1,000 high school basketball games. During the National anthem before each game, I whispered a prayer thanking God for his blessings and healthy kids who were about to compete. I closed that prayer asking Him to be with all the David's of this world.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Dance Ballerina Dance

Tonight, my wife and I will be in Barrington, Illinois attending a granddaughter's dance recital. This will be my 31st dance recital; yes I am counting. All dance recitals are too long. Some are better than others. About fifty percent of the participants don't want to be in a dance recital and about seventy percent should not be in a dance recital. Note: Parents at dance recitals suffer from the same delusional perceptions as do parents at sporting events; they think their kid is the best.

I have learned a lot during my dance recitals attendance experiences. Yawn and mumble between dances when lights are dimmed.  Sit near exit and be prepared to 'book' when YOUR granddaughter has completed her final routine. Applause should be polite for all performances.

I must remind myself that since suffering from hearing loss, I talk louder than normal. I must stifle snide comments. The best thing about dance recitals...Fifties music is re-discovered. The worst thing about dance recitals...mommies will give bouquets to little four year old girls and grandparents will add gifts while everyone takes pictures. This means I will be attending my 32nd recital.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Normal or Creep?

At a religious broadcasters' national convention (Nashville), presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee said, "I wish back in high school, I could have been identified as a female so I could've showered  with the girls after P. E." Huckabee's remarks were part of a larger dissertation regarding Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner's choice to embrace a transgender life.

 Huckabee is an ordained minister. He tells others how to live as a Christian. I know most of his social positions are strongly conservative. I know he postures himself as a devout Christian and I respect that stance.

I do recall during former President Jimmie Carter's only term, he did an interview where he admitted 'lusting in his heart.' On the heels of that comment, those conservative folks, who will line up to vote for 'The  Huck,' were on Carter's ass like a dog on a bone! Certainly, they attempted to paint Carter as a phony Christian. Is Jimmie Carter 'normal' or is he a 'creep?'

I have a question, perhaps a couple of questions: Is it normal for our presidential candidates to have desires to take showers with members of the opposite sex?

Is the transgender issue going to be the 'new boogieman' advanced to scare the hell out of voters?
Whether Jenner wears a jock or a bra this coming Holiday Season, will the conversation about Jenner silence  the other boogieman story about the evil war against saying, Merry Christmas?

Is Mike Huckabee 'normal' or is HE a 'creep?'

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Head Games or Head Case?

Although, I am not meticulous, I am anal to the extent of seeking preciseness. If I am contracted to give a presentation, I will be at the assigned venue-site one hour before scheduled and you can bet, I checked out the route the day before just to make sure there were no travel concerns or detours. My wife can attest to this declaration.

In my early coaching days, I recall having a reoccurring dream that had me locked in the dressing room unable to get to the gym floor and the game had started. I suspect some of my former adversaries reading this blog wished that had been a reality.

I still find myself leaving early for appointments and events. I always leave early for sporting events and church...wishing to get the best seats. You know...down front at the game and in the back pew at Church.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

...And I Ain't Got Nothin' Yet

St. Louis, Missouri businessmen are having a hissy-fit over the local proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. Some business owners predict that the St. Louis downtown area will become a ghost town with hamburgers costing $18.00- to-$20.00 and a beer costing $9.00- to-$10.00.

A quick look at three industries raises my eyebrows. In 2011, the Tyson Chicken CEO's reported salary was $7.8 million dollars. The Anheuser-Bush InBev Company had a 2014 total revenue of $47 billion (that's BILLION w/ a B). The president of the giant beer company received shares (that year) worth $40 million. And then there is Coca Cola. Coke's head cat (2013) had a $1.6 million dollar salary, $6.5 million dollars in stock awards and $9.3 million dollars in stock options. He had use of a corporate airplane, a personal driver and security cover.

Here's the DEAL, former President Ronnie Reagan's economic 'Trickle-Down-Theory' dribbles like a seventy-six year-old man taking a 3 AM whizz.
As Ray Charles sang: "Them that's got is them that gets..."

Monday, June 8, 2015

Once Upon a Time

Occasionally, a mid-night hour in these my twilight years, finds sleep evasive. Such was the case this past Saturday night. My mind was occupied with thoughts of  youthful days growing up in East St. Louis. Perhaps that 'thought-seed' was planted by a video clip sent to me earlier in the day by my son. The video was that of the landmark Shriners' Ainad Temple in East St. Louis. The magnificent building was used by my high school for boys' basketball practices and games; it was my 'home' for three years; a temple-gym of endless memories.

I suppose the crux of my sleeplessness pivots on the reality that I cannot 'go home.' I cannot walk those streets of my youth. The Jones Park baseball diamond and lagoon where I sat with my high school sweetheart (Gerry) sharing park bench kisses is off limits to this old man. The various neighborhoods were I played and laughed with friends may not be traversed by this seventy-six year old native.

Just as many East St. Louis 'Blacks' could not be in my neighborhoods in 1940, because of their color; today, I cannot be in my hometown neighborhood because of MY color. Oh, I have gone back a few times. Unfortunately, I know that I am unwelcome as I drive down familiar side streets observing the disdainful glares from many residents.

When I think about not being able to spend leisurely time in my hometown; Sometimes I am angry. Sometimes I feel hurt. Mostly I feel sad.

Friday, June 5, 2015

I Once Was Wise

My wife and I are most fortunate regarding our adult children and their respective spouses. Let me explain. We receive the utmost respect and kindness from our children. They are most thoughtful including and checking on us. Seldom two days pass that each of the children don't telephone just to check in and 'see' how we are doing. My wife and I are grateful and blessed.

That said, I do notice a changing dynamic in our kids' perspective of their Mom and Dad's abilities to make some judgements. Let me cut right to the chase: My children do not hesitate Facebook posting photos of their parents. I never give it a second thought. HOWEVER, should their Mother Facebook post photos of them; photos, which they find unflattering they tell us. My adult children appear to be at the peak of their omnipotent brain-power whereas the old folks are slipping into decision-making impotence. Therefore, I will never post photos of my children or grandchildren; my wife may do what she wishes. I will continue to Facebook post photos of my toy poodle, Yodie who thinks I am the greatest and most brilliant person in the world.

I recall reading 'Mother Goose' to my children when they were young, I should have told them the story of the 'Goose & Gander.'

Thursday, June 4, 2015

What Were a They Thinking ?

If you are like me, you must often times wonder about the thinking or lack thereof by some people. Recently, I read these head-scratching news stories: A Fargo, ND fella operating a ice cleaning Zamboni machine at a high school ice hockey game was driving erratically as he banged the vehicle into the rink walls. He was arrested for drunken driving with a blood alcohol level 4 times the legal limit. His lawyers' defense, 'the Zamboni machine does not meet city code of a vehicle.'

The attorney defending the alleged DC mansion killer whose DNA was found on pizza crust said it could not possibly be his clients because the defendant's family said the alleged murderer does not like pizza. (Okay, give that man a get-out-of-jail card !)

And then we have the reporting news of the Minneapolis elementary school field trip. Unlike my (1950) eleven-year old classmates who boarded a school bus for a St. Louis Art Museum field trip, these Minneapolis kiddos' field trip was to an adult porn store where they attended a workshop lecture  about adult sex toys and human sexual behavior. Hey, mommies of Minneapolis, keep a close eye on the kiddies this summer!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Say Cheese !

A recent study in Psychological Science (Magazine) reports some interesting findings regarding peoples' obsession with photo taking. The study focused much attention on parents who are constantly taking photos of their children.

Study findings offered the following: Both parent and child have a diminished experience of the event and environmental surroundings due to the constant photo-taking. Moreover, parents are instilling narcissistic attitudes within their child with this constant subliminal message that the child is 'always' the main attraction and center of attention.

I believe that I have observed this behavior...and y'all have also!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Come Sit In My Seat

The easiest thing to do is the other person's job. America is filled with second-guessing wannabes. We have a plethora of news commentators, sports' analysts, movie and fashion critics not to mention the millions of daily coffee shop Monday morning quarterbacks.

I recall the three Jacksonville high school basketball seasons, which had All-Stater, Andy Kaufmann leading the State in scoring with 32.0 points per game. One local media personality was constantly wanting me to 'keep' Kaufmann in games late in the contest when we had large lead-margins. This individual wanted Kaufmann to average more and break more records.

I tried to explain to my scribe friend the many considerations that weigh heavily NOT to leave a top performer in a game when the opponent is being soundly defeated. Here were my reasons: (1) What goes around comes around...one day my team will have to be coached the day after being beaten badly. I never wanted the opposing coach and his team to feel humiliated. (2) Each practice night I demanded that my reserves give maximum effort...they deserved some playing time. (3) Whereas I wanted Kaufmann to maintain his State-leading 32 points per game average, I also felt obliged to keep some other starters on the floor thus to maintain their averages and college scholarship hopes.

The job looked easy from the third row of the bleachers! It always will.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Buying Blessings?

This past Sunday a television preacher-man pleaded with viewers to 'be obedient and plant a seed for a love one.' Here's his 'hawk-pitch:' he sought 300 hundred people out in TV land to send him a $58.00 seed-check for each of the next 12-months. But wait! In that check memo space 'write the name' of a person and this preacher fella will pray for a blessing not only for THAT person but also the person signing the check. I was wondering if I sent the preacher fella $696.00 immediately would I get more preferential praying and therefore receive a quicker harvest?

When I first saw the preacher, my initial profiling instinct would have me betting $58 bucks that the guy was either a union business agent or a used car salesman.

I decided not to play the TV preacher's game, however later in the day, I did give a buck to a long-haired, fully tattooed, Harley-Davidson jacket-wearing fella sitting at a table outside Walmart. He had a sign above him, which read: "Road Riders for Jesus." He made no promises when I handed him the dollar-donation, but he did say, "God Bless." I could easily do that everyday.