Sunday, May 17, 2020

Recall Check List; Thought Provoking

I've been immersed in landscaping these past few weeks and if the weather ever decides to give some summer-like consistency, I'll do ever more. Obviously, this surge of energy and aesthetic yard planning found impetus in numerous days of Coronavirus 'House Arrest.'

I did have an interesting interruption a couple of days to accommodate my nine year old South Barrington, Illinois granddaughter, Ashlyn. She telephoned last week to ask if I'd be her interview subject for a school project. The assignment was to do a biography, I suppose of a family member.
I told her I was humbled that she would ask me; I'm sure her mother later explained to her the definition of humble.

I was surprised it was broad-gauged. Here are a few of those questions:

1) What things did you enjoy doing in your youth and how did they change over the years?
2) Name three role models growing up and why?
3) What occupation did you choose and why?
4) What do you consider your greatest occupation accomplishments?

5) What did you enjoy the most about your occupation?
6) What advise would you give young people today?
7) What advise would you give yourself as a young person if you could?
8) Would you do things the same if given the chance to do it over?

I may have left out a few of her interview questions but those are the readily recalled. I can honestly say that I had not given much thought to some of the answer and in retrospect, I found the exercise refreshing and personally revealing. Perhaps you readers might take a few minutes and think of responses you might have to such inquiries.

I hope Ashlyn and I get a good grade on this project but knowing Ashlyn's mother (my daughter, Dawn as I do), I believe we're GOOD!

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