Thursday, July 9, 2020

Tiresomely Repititive

Yesterday, Vice President Pence was sent before the press and American public as President Trump's puppet-boy in disguise as the Coronavirus Task Force Leader to reiterate Trump's insistence that all schools reopen in the fall. Pence was shored up by Dr. Deborah Birx and others. Conspicuously absent from the Task Force briefings was Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is considered one of the world's most renown experts on infectious diseases. Dr. Fauci has lost the favor of Trump due to Fauci's unwillingness to validate Trump's ongoing lies regarding the seriousness of the pandemic. Trump and his supporters just hate science; you know that knowledge that explains global warming, that gave us pasteurization, the polio vaccine, medical imaging, antibiotics, the Internet and DNA. Well, you can't trust scientist like Dr. Fauci because he feels a moral obligation to reject lying and instead offers the scientific facts about a deadly virus.

From the start the Task Force briefing was transparent and extremely boring with its repetitive 'theme,' "we must open schools." Hearing this school phrase over and over, I thought>> had a classroom teacher presented a lesson plan to her class before an administrator for teaching evaluation  in the manner Pence and Birx presented, that teacher would be put on probation or likely fired. They talked in circles, slides did not work or appear when called for and factual substantive information was not evident. For example,  Pence stated that Governors in Arizona, Texas and Florida are starting to "see the curve flatten." That is a bold face lie. Those States are seeing their highest number of daily infection rates.  Teachers cannot present non-factual information to their students. All hell would break loose!

The untruths told by Trump and his administration to deceive the public for their personal political gain is appalling if not immoral. Trump established a Coronavirus Task Force, which established guidelines for States to mitigate and eventually re-open then ignored those guidelines telling States and encouraging States to open too soon resulting in frieghtening infectious increases. Recently, Trump insisted that the Director of the CDC ease up on guidelines to re-open schools, which means millions of children and hundreds of thounds of teachers will be placed in greater danger of infection.
Trump has demonstrated time and again that he is detached from reality. May our God protect us.

Ps. We don't need to rush to re-open schools. When test time comes just pay a smarter kid to take the test for you!

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