Monday, July 20, 2020

Who Wants to Be President?

We likely know of the basic qualifications to become the United States President: Born in the United States, 35-years of age and a resident of the United States for the previous 14-years. As children, we were told by adults that we could "grow up to be President." Personally, I always thought that was far-fetched and a bit of  'pie-in-the-sky' thinking. I suppose that's why we laughed about various folks over time who were suggested as Presidential candidates. I'm starting to believe what we were told as kids is true...anybody, I mean anybody can become President.

Back in the 1950's and 1960's, Alfred E. Neuman, the fictitious lovable poster boy for Mad Magazine was touted by the magazine and followers as a viable candidate for the Oval Office. You all recall those political posters, "Alfred E. Neuman For President." And then there was the Smothers Brothers promotion of deadpan comedian, Patrick Paulsen who repeatedly offered his vision as President.

Fast forward to the 2016, Presidential campaign and the perfect storm developed, which would catapult an unlikely character into the Commander-in Chief of the United States. Never mind that he was a known fraud, a vulgar self-admitted sexual predator and profoundly lacking in areas of education and political experiences, i.e., governing, foreign affairs, Constitution knowledge and compromising leadership skills.  He was the antithesis of the 'Black Man' who held the office before him. He was appealing to bigots, big business and underachieving people who needed scapegoats. His legacy? The most divided United States since the Civil War.

Now, we have a new budding Presidential wannabe who just might make the grade someday and be our 47the American President...Kanye Omari West. Hells Bells, Why Not? What rapper wouldn't make a great President? Oh, and about the coming storm? That storm is developing and should hit around 2045.

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