The other day, I was listening to Rush Limbaugh (on radio) and I thought back a few years ago when I often listened to the advice-psychologist, Dr. Laura. I recall agreeing with Dr. Laura's opinions about 90% of the time; can't say that same percentage applies to Limbaugh's opinions but I'll think on the matter and get back to you.
I suppose my only disagreement with Dr. Laura arose when she got off telling women that they should 'stay' home and raise their children instead of having a job in the work force making money. Don't get me wrong, I am a product of a stay at home mother and I fancy myself as a point to support Laura's argument. Nonetheless, factor in today's 57% divorce rate, an economy with decreased dollar power and a child's eating habit, well Dr. Laura lives in 'la la land.' Besides, Dr. Laura's premise is based on the unsubtantiated theory that all parents are a positive influence on their children.
Two very important positions in the American society have essentially no certification process. You don't have to know much to become a congressperson or parent. We are never going to have pre-parenting certification testing so I propose a solution to the potential pitfalls, which may lead to bad parenting. Let's suppose when circumcising infant males, we go ahead and perform a vasectomy on the lad. Now don't go off having a 'hissie fit' claiming some freedom of rights infringement. Hear me out. When the boy turns 21, and he knows 12 nursery rhymes, and has $15,000.00 saved, we reverse the vasectomy; he is now ready to procreate. We can even throw in a government paid honeymoon week to Boise, Idaho because we are money ahead saving millinois of tax dollars on unwanted teen pregnacies, illegal and legal abortions not to mention day care costs.
Okay, perhaps I joke about the vasectomy but consider this as a serious proposal: Rush Limbaugh moving his program to Comedy Central and Jon Stewart moving to radio with a three-hour Daily Show.
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