Friday, August 26, 2016

Get'em Both!

GOP Presidential nominee, Donald Trump is calling for a special prosecutor to be appointed to bring charges against Hillary Clinton for fraudulent activities as Secretary of State by possibly giving favors to Clinton Foundation donors.

Democrat nominee, Hillary wants Trump to release his tax filings. She evidently believes Donald is hiding something. Perhaps he's not as wealthy as he states or he does not contribute to charities to the extent he makes claim.

Both ideas sound plausible to me. I have a novel idea. Let's insist our Presidential candidates compromise. Hell, that's something our elected officials can't do, perhaps they'll get the idea after all it's said great movements usually are grass roots movements.

Here's the deal:  To satisfy all the Clinton supporters, Trump has to reveal all the financial details of his four bankruptcies, particulars regarding his three divorces (now this is fair game because of the demands for info regarding Slick Bill's trysts) and release tax filings from the past ten years. Okay, in exchange to appease Trump followers a special prosecutor must bring charges against Hillary Clinton  for email and Clinton Foundation fraud and while the prosecutor is at it reopen all perceived sexual transgressions committed by Bill Clinton. (This damn thing with all the sex stuff could become a day time soap opera).

I have nominees for those special prosecutors>
 Prosecuting Donald Trump would be Attorney Khizr Khan...this was Muslim fella who spoke at the Democratic Convention and offered Trump his copy of the United States Constitution. I'm sure Mr. Khan would jump at this opportunity.

Prosecuting the Clinton's would be Former New York City mayor and attorney Rudy Giuliani. Look, Giuliani is perfect for this job. In the 1970's he was a Democrat before he became an Independent and he is now a Republican. He knows ALL the crooks in politics in both parties and can you imagine how entertaining Rudly will be?
Let's do this and then we liberals can stop attacking Trump and you conservatives can let up on Hillary. Holy crap, we could then post fun stuff on Facebook.

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