Tuesday, June 2, 2020

I'd Like To Do It Again.

Funny and not so funny things, which I've noticed about me and others of my generation. I remember a time when I bounced out of bed to begin my day and was completely oblivious to my joints and stability. However that ship sailed several sunsets ago. These days I'm very cognizant of  the muscular origin and insertion with bones and joint movement. Those arthritic reminders along with early morning first steps has me lingering bedside for a few moments before heading to the medicine cabinet to ingest, probiotics, blood pressure pills, a few vitamins and some pill that softens the bladder...and that latter pill brings me to what seems to be an old men's fascination with the garden hose...I'll explain.

I recall as a young teenager when I feared my 'stream' just might knock the porcelain off the back of our commode. That memory returns these days when I 'hose-off' the driveway after grass cutting...you guessed it, I have the cleanest driveway in the neighborhood. I surely enjoy that 'hose power.' I remember a fashion item from back-in-the-day, which holds no motivation in my eighties....I only wear leather shoes to church, weddings and funerals. Today, this old Dude is perfectly happy with my white imitation leather Rebocks with two Velcro straps in place of laces. The white athletic shoe go well with my white socks, faded blue jeans and Branson T-shirt.

I've noticed in the past few years or so that my 'walk-stride' has given way to more of a 'shuffle-slide.'
My wife is constantly telling me to, "Stand up straight, you're slouching!" I swear to you I think I'm standing tall; I'm sure of it...she's just nitpicking.  Fifteen years ago, my wife and I would go out to   dinner around 6:00PM, but today's perfect dinner date begins between 4 & 5 o'clock...it's called Happy Hour and/or senior discount menu offerings. It's a perfect storm allowing us more nights out on a fixed income and a alcohol beverage that serves as a sleep aid by  nine o'clock because this old fart needs some shut eye before I wake at sunrise.

This past winter, I recall being is a large church audience before the sermon began when a lovely lady nearly my age began introducing half the congregation to each other. This Southern woman had the absolute most irritating Southern drawl, which was compounded by volume. Why, I whipped out both my hearing aids immediately...couldn't do that back when!

Gotta stop here. Gunna get the lawnmower and hose out.
Old Bones

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