Recently, I read that Jewish scholar, Menachem Cohen 'fixed' the Hebrew Bible. Foolish me, I had no idea that the book was broken. It seems that the 84-year old Cohen identified 1,500 errors and made fixes. I have never read the Jewish Bible but I say, 'Whatever floats your boat, Cohen!'
I cannot imagine some Christian touching the Bible but it has likely happend or certainly will happen. Such tappering would give cause for the formulation of a couple hundred more variations of Christian doctrine and God only knows we struggle making any of them work.
Actually, if one has plans to make 'changes' one should first gain support numbers because the obvious remains: 'Might Makes Right!' Let me explain. Not long ago, the Texas Board of Education made significant if not drastic changes to history books thus altering the curriculum intent. The Texas social studies curriculum now puts a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks, stressing the superiority of capitalism and questioning Founding Fathers' commitment to secular government and presenting the Repblican philosophy in a more positive light, so concludes the New York Times. This new curriculum direction pointed toward the Texas children was passed along Board of Education Party-affiliation lines; 10-to-5...I told you 'Might Makes Right!'
This is NOT some new concept in governmental ideas; it has been applied many times before and I shall share one such instance. Nazi Germany in trying to cultivate loyalty to its leader and philosophy, changed school curriculums in both history and biology. The Nazi history books revisionists cleverly laid the foundation to glorify Germany through a compulsory nationalistic approach while placing blame for past setbacks on the Jews. The biology curriculum changes were even more frightening; all German children must believe that 'blood purity' is found within the Germany race.
I just don't GET IT! However, I was a simple-minded high school coach for 39-years who often hired assistants who saw a different game than I saw. This hiring-habit truly caused me to work extremely hard and long hours in preparation. Dadgumet, I had the 'power' to hire only assistants to 'see' it my way...I want a do-over.
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