How ridiculous can a civilized group of self-proclaimed freedom-loving people behave in the name of religious doctrine, which advocates love and peace in a Nation that purports 'malice towards none?'
A short time ago, the 'Chick-fil-a' franchise restaurant made a substantial food donation to an anti-gay organization. The ensuing events would be predictable. A gay activist group called for boycotts of Chick-fil-a restaurants. Then religious groups decided to join forces opposing the 'gay's' boycott of Chick-fil-a establishments. At the center of the controversy is a matter of the marriage definition. Personally, I went online to checkout the mass production of chickens for fast food restaurants regarding feeding and housing; sure wish somebody would boycott that disturbing and disgusting process. My prayer (grace) is much longer when I order chicken!
Just this past week, a bakery owner refused to fill a wedding cake-order for a 'gay' couple. The baker said that the 'Bible' is clear on the matter of marriage (man-to-woman) and he cannot service someone who does not hold the same religious beliefs. I suspect the success of Hostess and Dolly Madison companies is the marketing attitude that says, 'give us your money and you can eat our Twinkies!'
A few years ago, a Bakersfield, California pediatrician refused to treat a child with an ear infection because the child's mother had tattoos. The physician stands behind Bibilical scripture that states, "Ye shall not make cuttings or markings upon your body." I don't understand religious folks/followers of Jesus Christ who quote scriptures while 'doing unto to others as they WOULD DARE NOT WISH FOR OTHERS TO DO UNTO THEM and dismissing His greatest commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you." Anyone reading these words recall that 3 A.M. night you rocked a screaming baby with an ear ache while staring at the slow moving hands on the clock as you waited to telephone the pediatrician. 'Physician, heal thyself!'
You all remember the abortion doctor who was murdered in the church pew as he prepared to worhsip. The murderer was a religious pro-lifer...go figure!
The Puritans came to North America in the 1630's seeking religious freedoms from the Church of England. Those Pilgrams were in search of the free-right to worship in any manner they wish. We continue to collect data to determine how that venture worked out?
I have no idea of the religious persuasion of my surgeons or the Cardinals' baseball player in the batting box; I just want each them to hit a home run!
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