Friday, August 10, 2012

There is Logic and then there is Crazy

I believe the first multiple gun toting mass killings rampage that I can recall is the 1966, University of Texas 'Tower Sniper' murders committed by Charles Whitman. He had several rifles on the 28th floor of an observation deck and before police officers killed Whitman, he had left 13 dead and 32 injured. Since that event, our Nation has endured other horrific and senseless mass killings of innocent people. Each time such madness happens (its frequency is ramping up) the gun-control debate starts anew. I am always puzzled by the illogical rhetoric coming from the lips of people who appear smart enough but obviously are barren of commonsense!

When these shootings happen, i.e. Columbine, Virginia Tech, Phoenix, Aurora (Colorado) and Oak Creek (Wisconsin), our Nation divides into two distinct camps regarding the public's right and access to 'guns.' Let's acknowledge that our founding fathers, who penned the Constitution, did us no favor by failing to answer some of these questions. However, in their defense, who would have imagined back in the 1700's that we gun-loving Americans of the 21st centruy would replace the trusty old musket with assault rifles?

If you wish to prop up the second ammendment, 'the right of citizens to bare arms' then to what extent and expense will you support that right? Before you 'lock-tight' some attitude, I would ask you to 'mull' over the argument of many gun advocates who claim that if more people carried guns, we would have greater protection and thus minimize the number of dead when these mass murderers strike. In other words, if the all the Aurora, Colorado movie goers had been armed surely someone would have shot and killed the gunman before he killed 12 people. If this logic is correct then square our American history as our frontiersmen tamed the wild West and brought order for the development of civilazation. You recall seeing 'THAT' movie. The cowboys came to town and the local law enforcement (sheriff) collected everybody's gun(s); pick'em up when you leave town.

Of course, if you are absolutley sure that the second ammendment is the answer to 'clean-up' such problems then perhaps if we arm all school kids with guns we can reduce this bullying problem.

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