Monday, June 24, 2013

See Ya Under the Corner Street Light

Last evening, I was enjoying the gentle cool summer breeze while perched upon the backyard swing when I suddenly recalled memories of those youthful summers gone by.  There are many constant themes that transcends the years. The smell of newly mowed grass, the sounds of birds scurrying to find their night time roost and the aroma of a neighbor's grilling supper. As I sat in the swing and darkness began to have its way, I thought that there is something amiss. The streetlight behind me began its mercury vapor illumination and on cue, I suddenly remembered what was missing; there are no children sounds playing on the streets or in nearby yards.

Where are the summer games and accompanying noises? I never see hop-scotch markings on sidewalks. The is not one hiding eyes at the lamp post while friends find hiding places. The sound of a baseball bat falling to the pavement as boys play 3-flies-in in foreign to this adolescent generation. I cannot recall the last time I heard a child say, "You didn't say Mother may I." There is no can being kicked and no one shouts, "1, 2, 3 on Terry behind Miss Leroy's garage." My God, where are the children?

Don't kids realize that they could stay out doors and tell stories, catch lightning bugs or pester the girls down the block? Where are the kids?

Perhaps the climate-control home comfort environment and the fascination with computers and what someone posted on 'facebook trumps those childhood games of days gone by. Maybe this generation of kids will grow up stronger and healthy but should they be a tad bit obese with some health issues, I am sure modern medicine will fix it. Perhaps the children will be void of social skills but what the hell most will work in tiny cubicles and have little need for human interaction. And just maybe the children will lack imagination but surely they can 'google' and read about others' imaginations.

In all fairness, as a 1949 adolescent, I did not have air conditioning in my house, there was no television until 1950 and it only carried three channels; going outside after the supper hour was the natural choice.

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