I was browsing the grocery store aisle looking for 'Frank's Bavarian Sauerkraut when I overheard two Black gentlemen greet each other using the 'N' word, i.e., "What's up Nigger?" I could not help but recalling radio talk show host, Dr. Laura using the 'N' word several times on her show and how it caused a major fallout for her. Here's the deal, I can call my grandkids 'nincompoops' but I will have it out with others who call them nincompoops. It is simple logic, we have certain liberties with our 'OWN" but outsiders need not have those immunities. There is another aspect of this derogatory name-referencing that seems permissible. Let me explain. In 1978, I umpired my final baseball game for East St. Louis high school at Jones' Park, East St. Louis, Illinois. We moved shortly thereafter to Jacksonville, Illinois. East St. Louis' baseball coach was a Black man named, Arthur May. After this particular game, Coach May shook my hand as he handed me my check and said, "Mel, you worked a 'nigger-game." The comment was meant as a compliment for umpiring (calling a consistent strike zone) a solid game. I suppose his expression of endorsement was in his bestowing an 'honorary' membership to the brotherhood on me.
I personally dislike negative words but like many, I have been guilty of using them. I once had an Edwardsville basketball player with an Italian background; we all called him 'Wap.' It was and remains his 'nickname to this day. While coaching, I never allowed my Black players to use the 'N' word
Though our constitution speaks clearly to man's rights considering race, religion and sexual persuasion, the laws cannot legislate appreciation or tolerance for people. Many folks may act out prejudicial attitudes. My hope is with the passing of generations my great-grandchildren kids will see a world of complete assimilation and accompanying tolerance. I recently read a school paper written by one of my middle school grandkids which address race and religious tolerance; nicely done even if the kid is a nincompoop.
PS. #1 Cook a couple links of smoked sausage drain off excess grease; put the sausage with the Bavarian sauerkraut and cook longer; serve with mashed potatoes.
PS #2 Check out my blog tomorrow, I will tell you of a funny incident which, occurred during that East St. Louis baseball game.
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