Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thank Goodness Fox News is 'Watching Out for Us.'

I hate-a-say but I told my mom and dad in 1958, that I feared a conspiracy to take 'Christ' out of Christmas. Okay, that's not exactly true. I didn't say any of that. However, it was 1958 when the first artificial Christmas tree was manufactured in Chicago. As Archie Bunker would say, "If God wanted us to have them fake trees He'd grow'em in da woods for us to cut down."

Today, we got people saying, 'Happy Holidays' as they intentionally rip at the fabric of Christianity, which if not for the likes of Hannity, O'Rielly and Rush we'd never hear those sacred words, 'Merry Christmas.' Why, I recall that freshmen year at the State University when that liberal professor tried to fill our heads with that notion that Christmas was a Pagan celebration. I sure didn't tell any of my kin folks back in East St. Louis about the prof's crazy propaganda; they'd likely tarred and feathered the guy.

Lo' & Behold, this Christmas season, we can't even buy our $5.00 Starbucks' Latte and enjoy the Christmas greetings inscribed on the cup...nope, the cup is all 'red.' Probably some Communist message.

I've decided to keep an open mind on this presidential run. The first candidate that comes to their senses and prioritize ideas placing this 'War on Christmas' #1 ahead of gun control, immigration, healthcare and the economy...well, he's getting my vote.

I recall back at Lansdowne junior high school, East St. Louis in the early 1950's. We used to get a long Christmas vacation from school. My good Jewish friend, Alan Stienman told me that his parents were going to complain to the school district that the Jew's should get the same vacation length to celebrate Hanukkah. Hogwash! Next thing you know, we'll be allowing black people to stay in our white neighborhoods after dark The following fall, I put my two cents in to have half-days during afternoon World Series Games.

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