Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Think About It

One of the reasons I pass on morning coffee with 'the fellas' centers around my desire to keep the few friends I have. I know that those AM coffee gatherings presents a multitude of topics and I am positive politics is one. That said, most old farts, like me are Republicans whereas, I am not. You see the picture developing?

Recently, a high school age neighbor kid stopped by the house asking me to participate in a political science project. It seems his class has a lesson requiring students to gather political philosophies or attitudes and after collecting data they discuss opinions expressed against factors such as gender, age, amount of formal education, etc.

The survey was a breeze for me. Question: Mr. Roustio, if you were a Presidential candidate what would be your main 'talking point?' (I wished I'd videoed the lad when I spoke these words):
"I would push for legislation that mandates every new born males must have a vasectomy. When the male reaches the age of 21+ he may have the procedure reversed IF he has steady full-time employment, has fifteen thousand dollars in savings and knows 12 nursery rhymes."

I would not suggest all our country's problems would be solved through this legislative enactment but a hellava lot would go away.

...okay, okay, I jest. I recognize the silliness in my political platform. I told the student as much. However, let me tell you readers this: I was an educator for nearly forty years, I have a son, daughter daughter-in law and two granddaughters teaching in the public schools today. Collectively, they have taught for approximately 75 years (give or take). The stories they share does not paint a positive picture about accountability being taught in the American homes today.

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