The first two of our fifteen grandchildren have college degrees and are employed as public school teachers. Three of their cousins are currently examining college campuses as they make first year entry plans for the fall of 2013. These are fast-moving and drastically changing times for our children who must endure the 'letting go' moment; it ain't easy for parents, I know.
Goodbyes are difficult because we who bid farewell have a sense of control loss and decreased relevance. Goodness, mom and dad once tucked the little ones into bed at night and felt the child was safe and protected. We kept that all important vigil on our teenage girls as those unbridled hormonal moments were raging around them. We established and monitored guidelines of curfews and conducted those important accountability interrogations upon our 'push-the-envelopes' son.
Each child left at the university campus was a terrible goodbye moment. Everybody cries and the pit of your stomach feels as if you swallowed a knife! Oh, your friends send scads of 'thinking of you cards' expressing their understanding. I especially like that card that tells me 'life longs for itself...blah,blah,blah!' Okay already but who is going to look after my kid?
Of course, there are those other goodbyes, which can sting due the the relationship termination. Surely, some of those circumstances are expected and even welcomed due to age and health while other farewells carry the incredible sting produced by the target upon youth and/or the abrupt unexpected occurrence.
None is exonerated from these experiences. In those times, we gain strength from the loving support of others and push forward accepting the 'deal.' In this wonderful life, there are no guarantees but there are risks. However, what marvelous joy to have loved!
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