Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Must Keep On Keepin' On!

Lately, I feel that my personal patience and tolerance is abandoning my remaining brain cells faster than the gasoline-pump numbers turn. This happening coincides with some natural depression issues lingering from my mother's recent death; I know this to be true because I feel it deep inside. I keep posing a question to myself: Why do you care so much when many who need your help are too foolish, obtuse or bull-headed to accept the help??

In recent months, I have served Decatur School District #61 in an athletic consultant capacity. My charge has ranged from some 'coaching-education seminars' to investigating various aspects of athletic conference affiliation; a re-examination of the best conference 'fit' for Decatur's high school student-athletes. My frustration surfaces when so often educators refuse to step back a pace or two and consider any decision's impact on "ALL" student-athletic programs rather than thinking ONLY about their own sport program. Some of the coaches also feel no responsibility to 'go' that extra-distance to develop feeder programs; instead they wish to look for lesser conference-competition.       I cannot put my head around the notion that some coaches/mentors demand more from student-athletes than they demand from themselves!

I must fight my way out of this mood and garner re-focused energy to keep pushing onward. I must continue to 'see' the need and 'fill the need.'

Therefore, I searched and located the following anonymous writing to re-read and shore up or shape up my own negative attitude towards obstacles of apathetic indifference.

1. People can be unreasonable, illogical and self-centered....................Love them anyway
2. If you do good some people will accuse you of ulterior motives.......Do good anyway
3. If your successful you win false friends & true enemies....................Be successful anyway
4. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow...........................Do good anyway
5. Honesty & frankness make you vulnerable.........................................Be honest & frank anyway
6. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight..............Build anyway
7. People who need help may attack you when you help........................Help them anyway
8. Give the best you have and you may be kicked in the teeth................Give your best anyway

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