It was a sixty-second television commercial and actors were performing a skit, which was obviously laced with polite conversational exchanges and elements strongly suggesting good manners. At the conclusion of the bit an acknowledgement came across the T. V. screen: "Civility--Pass it on!" Sponsored by the 'Foundation For Better Values.' I immediately recalled my own youth civility sponsorship for 'better value-manners.' That was my Father who would say such things as, "Hey boy, I'm going to say this just once so pay attention;" or "Boy, straighten up and fly right." Oh, there was that one time, I was sixteen and filled with self-centered importance due to a driver's license and some sport success. I sassed and disrespected my Mother at the supper table, tossed my fork down and left the kitchen. Dad followed me to my bedroom and gave me a backhand across my mouth and told me to go immediately back to the table and apologize to Mom and finish every damn bit of food on the plate." That was one helluva Foundation for Better Values...trouble is we stopped standing and building on that parenting 'foundation!'
Does this societal-parenting scenario sound familiar? A woman gives birth and because of economic woes, she returns to work ASAP...thus the child goes from womb-to-room (Day Care) and potluck nurturing begins. Let's have the teachers give that 'foundation for better values.' Let's put the kid into every activity imaginable and at the end of every season or program we'll give the child a trophy, blow smoke up parent and child's posterior. This will do nothing for the child's foundation values and manners but instead will likely make the youngster think he is special and entitled.
Recently, the American Academy Of Pediatrics released a statement opposing school philosophies of zero-tolerance, which issue suspensions. These medicine-men (women) believe that such suspensions hurt the disruptive non-compliant social misfit. Begging to differ, I contend that the misbehaving student screws up the learning environment for the 'do-right' kid and that's bull crap! You heard me correctly, these well-educated physicians state: "Teachers, along with their responsibility for academic progress are also responsible for teaching children to behave appropriately." The following is a true story, I witnessed it: The East St. Louis high school football coach (1954) said to my Father, "Mr. Roustio, if you convince your boy to spend less time playing basketball and have him come out for my football team, I'll make a man out of him." My Dad looked the coach dead-ass in the eyes and responded, "Let me tell you some thing. You coach your football team and I'll take care of seeing that my boy becomes a man!" Footnote: My Father did not stutter speaking the words! The sixty thousand plus pediatricians who belong to the American Academy for Pediatrics need to pull their heads out of their collective asses and get a clue. Our teachers no longer can use any form of physical punishment, the parents raise hell with local school officials if their kid has too much home work or the coach yells and their kid...and now this organization wishes the teachers to do the parental job of teaching 'civil behavior, good manners and accountability!!
Let me conclude with this opinion. I believe there are many good factors about pre-school and early educational learning opportunities. I believe that school teachers have plenty on their plate meeting academic standards and goals. I believe school teachers are pitifully compensated in America where our government leadership gives 'lip service' to education. I believe that our country-folks have little empathy for supporting education. I surely believe that our nation needs to focus on educating mom and dad because my parents generation is gone and their blueprint for parenting was rejected as my generation attempted to 'pass it on!' TO BE CONTINUED---
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