Back in my 1950's youth, I often heard my paternal grandmother scold her children for NOT buying American MADE products. Grandma Rosedelle was a strong 'Union' supporter! She would be sad with the 2014, American working landscape. Our trade unions are the weakest they have been in decades and most of those low-semi-skilled jobs are no longer available in the United States but have been outsourced. I browse the clothing aisles in various department stores and read label after label...'Made' in China, Bangladesh, Honduras, Mexico and on and on. The clothing industry is but ONE example of lost USA jobs. The cost of our non-union made 'T-Shirt' is low in the department store but the citizenship-relationships and tax payer cost is immeasurable. Many young people who meander aimlessly about the chaotic streets in Ferguson, Missouri could benefit from a T-shirt factory.
Before any reader would take exception to my suggestion that minimal jobs are the only jobs inner city people can handle...JUST STIFLE your thought. You know very well that many young people in our nation's history have made a good living (financially) working at those jobs which are now done in foreign countries so that corporate America can turn a greater profit.
We protest too late the wrong issues. Oh, that apathy cost? Many people in Ferguson, Missouri complain about the political power structure in their city. Check it out: In the last city election only 1,500 of the 15,000 eligible voters went to the polls and the mayor ran unopposed. I suppose we have even outsourced our 'caring.'
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