There she was, big as life. making her self-proclaimed 'come-back.' That Georgia drawl was as deep and syrupy as ever as Paula Deen attempted to explain once again how she thinks. Paula Deen is an American success story. A person who came from little wherewithal to become a 'celebrity chef' and develop a multimillion dollar enterprise. Today she operates 'Lady and Sons' restaurants.
You recall a year ago, Deen got her 'tit-in-the-ringer' (as said in my old neighborhood) when she admitted using the 'N' word. Okay already! John 8:7...'He without sin among you cast the first stone.' I defy any adult who claims they have never USED a racial slang or terms.
I am not defending my shortfalls nor those of Paula Deen's. I would just like to have Deen get-over herself and move on>>make some lasagna. The more she talks the more she sounds like Flip Wilson's character, 'Geraldine;' "The Devil made me do THAT!"
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