I am happy with confidence to place my racial, religious and ethnic contour (examination / comparison) against any measurement offered. That said, I think we would agree that on the heels of every racial conflict or incident in this nation, we hear the same conversation about race-relations and all the possible interwoven and connected debates. I welcome such conversation and debate on the subject of race provided the focus is on improving relations rather than blaming or character attacking of easily identifiable groups.
What I am not interested in is the suggestion about some bogus need for 'Black History' to be taught in public schools. I also do not wish to have Irish history, Hispanic history, Polish history, Italian history or Jewish history taught per se' in our public schools. Don't get me wrong, I believe there is much to be studied about each of the aforementioned groups but I think we need not mandate specific studies, which suggests that 'whitey' does not understand thus he needs to be educated. Fact-of-the-matter everybody is ignorant about 'the other group.' Everybody suffers from ethnocentric tendencies. Tolerance education as it relates to race, ethnic, and religious acceptance is necessary for all peoples. Let us approach the conversation, debate and any studies accepting the premise we all carry baggage !
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