Sunday, October 14, 2018

I Don't Understand

Some things remain beyond my ability to comprehend. I don't understand. It belies common sense.

My city wants to pass an ordinance prohibiting street panhandlers; those guys and gals standing at busy intersections holding signs, i.e., "Out of Work. Hungry." Those folks don't bother me one bit. Most of the time I just pass them by yet other times, I stop and give them a couple of bucks. My choice. Why doesn't someone pass an ordinance that stops people from telephoning my home six or seven times a day asking for money. Those are the people intruding! I Don't understand.

I suppose there is well over 500 names called 'friends' on my Facebook. I know some of these folks very well but some I don't know at all but simply accepted their friendship because they are friends with many people I do know. Regardless of how well I know these so-called friends, why in the world would I elect to debate and argue with them about political leaders and political philosophies held by leaders who don't give a 'rat's booty' about our plight in life.
If I'm not careful I'm libel to make enemies out of friends I don't even know. I don't  understand.

Speaking of politics, I read where over 70% of political ads are negative ads. That means 30% of the time the individual seeking office tells us 'why' they would be good in that position. Politicians 'use' negative ads because negative ads work. Most people are too damn lazy to research and they find it much easier to just 'dislike' or 'hate.' Therefore, toss the haters some 'red meat.' Kinda like prejudices and bigotry; it is so easy to embrace. This I understand and wish I didn't.

If we spend so much money on military strength and boast about being the most powerful nation in the world, why don't we win wars? We have not had a war victory since WWII and even then we left some unfinished business. I don't understand unless it's just good for the economy to have young men and women always playing war games and being in harms way. Never mind, I think I understand this one.

I notice frequently my Christian brothers and sisters get in a tizzy about God not being in our public schools as in daily prayer. I truly wonder how many American families 'pray together' in their homes?I know only about 14% of my Christian brothers and sisters are actually in a church weekly. It seems fair to conclude that God is NOT in American homes therefore what's the big deal if God is not in schools? Are people so ignorant not to understand that a nation cannot have true freedoms and then have God in the public schools or for that matter public anything. This is NOT a rejection of God but an acknowledgment that in a free society we simply cannot pick one citizen's God over another citizen's God. I understand but many don't understand that concept!

I'll stop here for I'm sure I've given you good reason to get out the 'slings and arrows.' Have At It!

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