Thursday, October 4, 2018

Process As You Will

A few days ago, I spent the morning removing 'exhausted' tomato and pepper plants from our garden; they yielded the best ever. Hope I can remember next spring what I did right this past planting spring.

After a bit, I sat a spell on a backyard bench with a Toy Poodle, Yodie. Those moments usually have me pondering the ways of others. It was different this day as I found myself pondering 'my own ways.' That exercise can be rather depressing if you're truly objective in your pondering-evaluation of 'self.' I gradually realized how others could be weary of me if not downright disgusted with me.

Why the audacity of me to write a daily blog giving opinions and/or advice! I thought about how my three children and their spouses have been so respectful and tolerant of my oft times know-it-all comments. I should acknowledge that to them sometime. Then there are those folks who spar and banter with me regarding my blogs and Facebook responses. I'm convinced many of them have had their fill of 'Roustio Rants.' Of course, I am aware that some folks agree with my expressions and prop me up with 'Go get'm Mel' responses.

As I tried to analyze my own behavior, I did come to one conclusion:  It's a challenge to step back from giving advice to your adult children. I believe of my desire to give advice is  prompted by worry. How in tarnation does one suppress worry. Sometimes your adult children want your advice and sometimes they don't. You gotta figure out when to speak and when to stifle.  Even when you think the advice-light is 'green' it's best to proceed with subtle caution. I'll keep trying to hone those advice-giving skills. I might get it right before the train pulls into the station.

Regarding my offering advice or opinions as I write and post my blog? I've decided I'm not going to stop. Why? In honor of my late dear friend, Jon Luckett who once gave me a friendship card, which read, "Those of you who think you know it all... aggravate the hell out of those who do."

Now don't get in a dither over that last sentence. Lighten up! That comment might be a joke and then may need to hone your deciphering abilities. Ponder it!

PS. 'Tarnation' is a good word. My grandpa, E.V. Bennett used it's a euphemism for the word

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