Just today, Vice President Mike Pence visited Mayo Clinic where protocol pleads for all patients, healthcare providers and visitors to wear face masks for obvious reason. Pence did not follow protocol and explained away his light-minded and precocious attitude saying, "I get tested and thus don't need a mask." Really, Pence? You get tested frequently for all maladies know to mankind, which could compromise a very ill person you are visiting. Your logic suggests a bold and cocky disregard for others' welfare.
I respect people's right to vote for and support Trump. Some do so because they believe Trump is a conservative. Some like Tax cuts and that 'trickle-down-theory.' Notice, I use the word theory. Some Trump believers picked up on Trump's code language and obvious racist attitudes and history. And of course my fellow Evangelicals buy the notion that Trump's Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade. Whereas I may disagree with Trump supporters on these issues, I would beg them for the sake of God's temple represented in their body to please honor it. For goodness sakes the last time dummies did something like this was in a place called Jonestown.