Wednesday, April 15, 2020

If Not Now, Then When?

Day after day and for the near future, folks of my age are likely to continue that which is preached to us, "Stay at home and Keep your social distance." Warmer weather, when it eventually arrives, will permit some movement expansion and mental therapy through yard work and gardening. As this 'hide from the coronavirus' exercise keeps my wife and I on house arrest, we've decided to engage a family project.

A few of my wife's nieces have often requested that their Aunt Gerry make an audio tape, which chronicles her early life with her parents and five siblings. Until now that was one of those projects she would one day get around to doing. Well, what better time than NOW?! Why not? My wife's immediate family of eight is currently down to my wife and her younger brother, Glen. On a personal note, I have done a little bit of this in my recent book, "Angels on My Journey." In that writing attempt, I touched upon both the pre-marital and post-marital journey's of Gerry and Mel Roustio.

I share today's blog with readers for one reason, which I have spoken to previously in blog posts and that is the often times missed opportunity to pass along family history from the older generation to that generation in the rear view mirror. Perhaps those reading this blog will be motivated.
You will need a tape recorder and some cassette tapes. The cassettes are sometimes a challenge to find. Once the tape is completed, I'll transfer onto a CD and make multiple copies for family members.

It will be fun to recall personal pasts, our seven courtship years and sixty married years. We will tell a story that one day falls silent...make no mistake, you also have a story to tell. God bless. Be safe.

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