Friday, February 14, 2014

Blah, Blah, Blah !

Word filtered in from the Metro-East area (Illinois) that a large school district is contemplating 'cutting' all physical education programs out of the elementary and middle schools. Of course, this is always the approach when public schools find it necessary to reduce cost... cut physical education and sports. In recent years, we became accustom to hearing the purported philosophy that places sport and physical education as 'non-essentials' in the public school curriculum.

The term 'essential' means 'necessary' or 'rooted-in-basic-fundamental-need.' If that frames the premise then we ask the question, what are the essential curriculum subjects? Perhaps we could all agree that basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic would be curriculum anchors.
 Beyond this assumption, I have always believed that the public schools should graduate (produce) students with a marketable skill as a basic standard or achievement bar. Those who wish to pursue the professional careers requiring advanced educational degrees would likewise be positioned to do so through the high school offerings. Unfortunately, we all seemed to buy into the ridiculous philosophy that ALL American children SHOULD go to college...that is absolute folly and we all KNOW this to be true. Over the years high schools discarded the home economics, industrial arts (shops) and physical education programs. Today, the post high school 'technical training' schools fill the void as less than physically fit youngsters attempt to become market-worthy.

Regardless of the 'amount' of education, I would maintain that personal health awareness through nutrition education and regular-exercise (programs) should be one of the fundamental staples of our public school curriculum. Those who reject this notion also reject all concerns about childhood obesity and  / or diabetes. Simply 'removing ' the soda & snack vending machines will not address our Nation's escalating health issues.

On a personal note, I took algebra in the 9th grade and have not used it since...I do see my 'AC1' score figures every three months when my doctor checks my blood sugars. He reminds me that I may stay relatively healthy and live longer if I watch what I eat and 'EXERCISE.'

Please, if we are going to 'cut' physical education from our schools' curriculum then please do not pontificate all that bullshit about our youths' health problems....It is insincere and models dishonesty for our children!

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