Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dr. King Deserves Better

Last Sunday evening, I watched a 3-hour 'routine' on ESPN that reminded me of the famous comedy routine delivered thousands of times by the late comedic-team Abbott and Costello. This ESPN routine (show) was NOT funny but somewhat pitifully sad. More on that soon but first about the Bud Abbott / Lou Costello shtick. You all recall how little-chunky 'would-be'  baseball player,  Lou asked pretend baseball manager-straight-man Abbott, "Who's on first?" Abbott responds, "WHO IS on first." The next seven-to-eight minutes has audiences in stitches.

The ESPN show was filled with similar gobbledygook and misunderstood semantics double-talk similar to the "Who's on first" comedy routine; unfortunately, this ESPN subject left no laughter!! In fact, it caused me to be disgusted. The three-hour long debate focused on the use of the 'N' word. Dozens of celebrities, (mostly Black) including sports' writers, athletes and entertainers weighed in on the topic with their opinions as did many ordinary folks who were attempting to get their minds around what was being stated...believe me, what was stated, mostly, was nonsense.

The question...is usage of the 'N' word ever acceptable? The obvious conclusion after much beating around the bush by all parties who were trying their best not to offend anybody was this: White people should not use the 'N' word but some Blacks believe it to be okay for Black people to use the 'N' word because they take the negative power away as they use the 'N' word with other Blacks as an endearing term. I say bull crap and I stand on solid ground. Throughout the years, I coached many White and Black basketball players. While coaching at Edwardsville high school (1970's) and Jacksonville high school (21-years) I received anonymous telephone calls and letters calling me a "N.....-Lover." I always suspected that those anonymous attacks came from prejudice White parents with self-interests and low basketball IQ's. I played the best male athletes at each high school where I coached; most were White kids; many were Black kids. I had this insatiable appetite for winning...I would play the kids who gave me the best chance to WIN!

The underlying supportive comment giving Blacks the okay to use the 'N' word, while denying usage by Whites was based on the notion that the 'N' word is part of the Black culture and thus belongs to Blacks and society should understand. Again, I say bull crap  and ask the following question: If that 'N' word is such a cultural THING for Blacks for public bantering THEN we must acknowledge the Confederate Flag as White-Bubba's cultural THING!
Folks who argue for the use of the 'N' word are a personal affront to the late civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King...shame on them!

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