Monday, June 9, 2014

Shameful Intolerance

A Salt Lake City police officer has been placed on leave after refusing to work his assignment at a gay pride parade. This is not the first time that I have noted professionals, who take an oath to serve and/or protect, then dig their heels in and refuse to do that which they swore to do. A few years ago a medical doctor out West refused his emergency services because the woman patient had piercings.The doctor quoted scripture to support his reasoning. Leviticus 19:28...'You shall not make cuttings or markings upon your body.' I have seen some well designed tattoos of praying hands and scripture quotes. I am not one to get a tattoo or piercings but I refuse to judge those who have such body alterations.

I understand the five basic freedoms guaranteed under the First Amendment but does not the oath taken by physicians, policemen, and firemen trump our personal beliefs ? And should we not be cautious taking 'Old Testament' scripture verbatim? The Book of Acts records the beginning of the Church as the 'Body of Christ.' Those who stand in the public square pontificating specific scriptures to support an opinion should be 'fair and balanced' as one television network. Acts 10:28..."And God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean." Remember the Lord going into the lepers colony to 'serve' those in need!!!

The police officer should report to his sworn  'duty'  to serve as should the physician. As for me I just hope the Catholic firemen answer the call from this old Methodist should my house catch fire.

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