Monday, February 4, 2019

They Should Be Horse Whipped

In the opening scene of the television series, The Lone Ranger actor Clayton Moore rode his horse Silver down the hillside rather fast. Grandpa E.V. would say, "That man outta be horse whipped ridin'  that horse down hill like that!"

About the time I think I've seen Americans' ultimate stupidity on display, I am treated to a 'new low.' Perhaps some bizarre behaviors are driven by idleness and boredom while other crazy stunts come about on competitive dares. Whatever the motivation some activities hold potential harm and appear down-right stupid.

Back in the 1920's and 1930's, we were entertained by flag-pole sitters and marathon dancers who attempted to establish time-records. About the same time the 'Goldfish-gulping' began. You can take it to the bank that alcohol ran a second-rail that night. Why not see how many people we can stuff into a telephone booth or Volkswagen? Hey, you rural fella's can lean from the shotgun side of a car swinging a baseball bat and see how many mailboxes you can destroy in one night. Speaking of your auto fun, let's stand atop a speeding vehicle and assume the 'surfing' position while hoping the driver doesn't make a sharp turn at 70MPH. The perverted exhibitionist thought he/she had been left out so they disrobed and ran through public venues in the buff. DON'T LOOK, ETHEL!

Today's low IQ Americans seemingly have become bored with their own body piercing and tattooing frenzy so what next? Here's a unique idea, let's spray paint our dog's testicles! And we won't use just simple spray paint but we can make an art form out of it by using different colored glitters. Great idea. Who trust us more and loves us unconditionally more than man's best got it..
Fido. Shall we mistreat him for our sick enjoyment. Gee, we could even shave the family pet and make him look as disgusting as many of our over-the-top tattooed friends.

Like the old saying..."Great minds talk about ideas; Average minds talk about events and Simple minds talk about people, while the mindless spray paint heir dogs scrotum.

 Y'all are 'nuts' and you outta be horse whipped!

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