This is personal for me. Sharing it publicly, I acknowledge that there is a understood invitation for readers to weigh-in who will agree and/or disagree and I expect some to attack me. Whatever 'floats your boat...go for t.'
I am an eighty year old lifetime Methodist. I could write a book about how much sawdust is needed during a rainy week long Tent Revival Meeting. I know the words of every alter-calling song in the Methodist Hymnal. Whereas, I am not a Biblical scholar, I am aware of the scripture Cherry-picking folks attempting to find a verse or religion that 'fits' their moccasins. Example: scriptures speak to body piercing and tattoos and also divorce. My Methodist Church has changed its position on both and they've found other scriptures to substantiate the change...I do not disagree with the change. The initial interpretation (and it is an interpretation) was a foolish.
At a recent United Methodist Church conference convention, the Methodist leadership reaffirmed its condemnation of homosexual life-style and from what I can conclude allow homosexuals to attend our Methodist Church but not be allowed full participation except for tithing. Also, no gay or lesbian may be ordained. The Church also denounces The Masonic Order claiming it to be a secret clandestine organization, which causes me to anticipate that soon the Methodist may denounce The Boy Scouts since homosexual can be leaders and members of that organization
Somewhere in that Holy Book there are is a commandment from the lips of Christ telling His followers to, "Love one another as I have love you." I cannot find the list of 'exceptions. Somewhere in that Good Book, Christ said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven." There is not any organization that has done more for suffering little children than that 'clandestine' group of called Shriner's.
I shall finally acknowledge that as a follower of Christ's teachings, I am not to judge. I will pray about my need for His forgiveness just as I will pray for my church leaders who judge freely and change positions over time.
Tomorrow, I will share with you that which I am waiting for my Methodist Church to denounce. I call it false prophet-leadership.
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