Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Peek Into YOUR Future

Back in the day, Sam Cooke recorded a song entitled, 'A Change Gonna Come.'  The song was about civil rights social change coming. The song, however could have been a forewarning about my body.

My hair and teeth are 'jumping ship.' I sneeze more and sleep less. Without my hearing aids, I would not hear a jumbo jet taking off from my front yard. My eye sight is fading and my joints don't have the flexibility they once had. This malady-combination limits my ability to turn around when backing the automobile out of my garage. To compensate, I embrace the following ritual when leaving in the auto; I walk around the car once then get behind the wheel and honk-the-horn three times before backing out. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Every morning when I get out of bed, my lower back and hips remind me of three previous back surgeries and too many athletic contests. A quick look in the morning mirror shows skin that similar to that of an alligator. When putting my socks on, I notice that my toenails are suddenly growing in a downward direction and look like Halloween candy corn; the dark brown variety.

My memory or lack thereof is aided by my (inherited) Grandpa E.V.'s clock, which chimes on the half-hour; I thus remember to put toy poodle, Yodie outside for a whiz. Thank goodness for a wristwatch that displays not only time but also date and day. If I did not have that watch the trash would never be put to the curb on the correct day.

I still manage to walk 45-minutes each day and I get additional walking with my frequent nighttime urinating trips. I have started wearing a rubber-band around my wrist as a reminder to check my fly to make sure the zipper is 'up.' I have had several public stares and giggles during these senior years. I also use that rubber-band as a secondary reminder to check nose boogers, which, show up at the most inopportune moments these days.

Sam Cooke was correct; a change did come. Yes, indeed, it has arrived for this old boy. I still remember that I am a Democrat and a St. Loui9s Cardinals' fan...I fear the day when my change runs amok and I start watching Fox News and rooting for the Chicago Cubs.

Actually, I am likely one of the most fortunate. I have been richly blessed with family, good health while working at job that never felt like work.  God permitted some wonderful people to walk into my life; for the better part, I let most stay.

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