Monday, August 19, 2013

Yea and Nay

I had a business- coffee meeting yesterday morning at Panera's (Decatur). I passed Starbucks on my way to Panera's. I like Panera's soups but I don't 'fancy' its coffee but I strongly dislike the notion of paying 5 bucks for a Starbuck's java. Next time this gent telephones me and wishes to meet for coffee, I shall suggest McDonald's; better cup of coffee and you cannot beat the senior discount.
On my way home, I began thinking of things I love and don't love. Perhaps my list will cause you a personal reflective pause.
Following is a short-list of what I believe to be appropriate loves:
Your God
Your spouse
Your kids
Your grandkids
Your parents
Your country
Your hometown
Your Team
Halle Berry
Trash collectors
Your job
Your life
Your dog
Your backyard swing

Things I believe that are NOT appropriate to love:
A suit/dress
Flavored coffee
Foreign movies
Reality T.V. Shows
Boise, Idaho
Rap music

I am unsure about 'quotations' and sayings; should I love them or not? Some seem to contradict, i.e., "Sport  mirrors life." I played a lot of sport and I won and lost contests; I've lived a long life and every time I look at 'my' scoreboard, I seem to be trailing and thus playing catch-up.

Other things that I like: I like the 'new' Illinois law, which will go into effect January 1st; makes it unlawful to drive a vehicle and talk on a handheld cell phone. The law makers now need to stop taking payoffs from motorcycle lobbyist and enact a law making helmets mandatory then I can stop taking my eyes off the roadway to read those damn signs, which read, "Start Looking for Motorcycles;" folks in Illinois are 'looking for Lincoln.' While on the helmet subject, I think major league baseball needs to insist all patrons seated in stadium upper decks must wear helmets and be attached to bungee-cords should they purchase more than two beers.

Finally, I truly believe that many of our nation's social problems could be resolved if we would enact a Constitutional amendment that exempts all newborn male children from circumcision but requires they have a vasectomy shortly after birth. Hold your horses before you go nuts thinking that I am a crazy. age twenty-three if the male has a full-time job with benefits, $20,000.00 in a savings account and knows twelve(12)  nursery rhymes, his vasectomy is reversed.

Must stop, I have to go collect eggs and feed the chickens.

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