Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dream a Little Dream with Me

Fifty years ago this week, civil rights leader, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic 'I Have a Dream' speech in Washington D.C. The words were powerful and poignant! Certainly, Dr. King would be pleased today with many aspects of racial equality advancements while still finding frustration in some quarters as it would relate to perceptions and tolerance. Unfortunately, most of us talk a good Bible-loving game but still have a difficult time truly 'loving others as HE loved us.'

 I have listened to the 'Dream' speech several times and I can state unequivocally that I too have a Dream; perhaps not on the same level of social importance or  significance but nonetheless it is my Dream; my wish list. I have a 'dream that someday motorcyclists will 'Start Looking Out for Themselves' by wearing helmets so I might be able to go back to 'looking' at billboards. I have a dream that politicians on both sides of the aisle will one day do what is good for constituents instead of lobby-interest groups.

I have a dream that one day 'The Today Show' will mute Willard Scott's microphone and just show the Smucker's jar photos of century-old folks. My dream envisions the day when television Evangelists 'sell' only the 'love of Jesus Christ' and once their Church publicly supports a political candidate, the Church loses its tax-exempt status. My other television-patron dream is that my cable television provider will one day share paid advertisement program monies with ME! I should not have to 'pay' for programs that are being 'paid' for by others...share the profits or show re-runs of 'The Tonight Show' with Johnny Carson.

I have a dream that one day, my wife and I shall attend a movie and not be subjected to 22-minutes of commercials and coming attractions. I dream of the day when my T-shirts will once again read, 'Made in America.' Speaking of our country, we Americans agree that, 'Shit Happens;' so I dream of a time when plumbers and trash haulers make more money than professional athletes.

Finally, I have a dream that one day little children, of all colors will be told 'no' more often and held accountable for bad behavior and poor choices. Actually, that last dream is predicated on waking from this nightmare where helicopter-parents live vicariously through children and worship the little 'turd-blossoms!!

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