Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wish My Kids Read My Rants

Several days ago, I was attempting to debate the down side of capitalism with one of my children when the offspring snapped at me and stated, in no uncertain terms, "I don't want to hear it!" Simply stated, 'capitalism is an economic system where goods and services are brought to the market place and sold for profit.' Sounds fair and reasonable but there are exceptions that 'PISS' me off.

At 6:47 this morning, I went to the nearby Wal Mart for a few items, namely milk. There was not one cashier working but instead four (4) self-service pods were lined up with folks attempting to negotiate their purchase while a little female employee ran from one pod to another assisting those with various self-cashier skills. When my turn at the self-conveyor machine, I shouted across two lanes, "Would someone please check me out and bag these products I wish to buy?" The young girl came to me and said, "I'll help you learn how to do this sir, it's easy." I replied, "I don't want to learn how to do a job that is being denied to someone who needs a job just so some fat-ass corporate guys can make more money!!"

Let me elaborate. This younger generation can be duped into this bull crap but I shall 'hold-out' until death. Last week, I met with a 40-something year old mother who recently lost her job as a newspaper design technician along with two other newspaper employees of 18-plus years; the three jobs were outsourced to India...hooray for capitalism. When I first began driving an automobile the service station attendant came to my car with a co-worker. One filled my car with gasoline and washed ALL exterior windows and then swept out the floorboard of my car while the other guy checked my oil and tire pressure. You all know the 'routine' today when purchasing gasoline and you also know damn-well that the price of gasoline can differ as much as twenty-five cents at two service stations blocks apart...hooray for capitalism.

Governor Scott Walker, Wisconsin, is one of the new champions of the conservative political cause;  the fat-cat corporate guys love Walker...he breaks the labor unions thus creating more capital gain. Look, I believe in our American free market capitalism economy but only when 'controls' are in place to protect the small voices in our beloved US of A.

After my Wal Mart rant two gents approached me in parking lot to commend my stance at the self-checkout lanes. I wanted to smack them up aside the head and tell them to 'grow a set of balls.'

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