Unsolicited advertisements have become my number one pet peeve replacing the weatherpersons who repeats six or seven times in a 4-minute television spot that it may rain tomorrow. I often telephone one of the local movie theaters to get start times. They will go through all the scheduled flicks and times each begin. I guarantee that by the time all the previews play and the advertisements run, the featured movie will start 15 to 18 minutes after the stated start time.
When watching a thirty-minute television program, we have all become accustom to 12 minutes of commercial advertisements and 18-minutes of actual programming. The much anticipated Super Bowl will be played on February 2 and the television commercials will be much discussed after the event. Some of those commercials will be entertaining and some boring. All commercial spots will cost big bucks and you can bet there will be ads at every time out, all injury delays and scheduled program spots.
When requesting any thing on the Internet, we now must listen to or negotiate around a 30-second ad before extracting our information. Just two days ago, I had one of those 'pop-up' ads for a 'Magic Wand.' I let it play and damned if it wasn't a pill for male enhancement. The reference to 'magic wand' was reference to the male organ. I am not a prude. I have heard the penis called many things...'Mr. Winky,' 'Big Boy,' and 'Sir Charles' along with many names less designed for mixed crowds. I have seen some of these male enhancement product ads before and always wondered if there was a chance that the pill might act on another part of the anatomy and the 'dude' ends up with real large ears or a big nose/
I am baffled by man's misconception that 'bigger is better.' I remember when I was about fifteen years old and working alongside my grandfather. I was helping him with a home carpentry project. We were both driving nails. Our hammers were equal in size. Grandpa E.V. drove half again more nails than me and bent fewer.
The pop-up Internet ad did give me an idea; next time a auto driver cuts me off, I am going to call him a 'wand-head!'
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