Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hope is Empty Without Leadership Passion

 Yesterday, a Colorado high school boy set himself afire in the school's cafeteria; 80% of his body is burned. Two days earlier, a nineteen year male randomly shot and killed two Maryland Mall employees before taking his own life. A retired Florida police officer recently shot and killed a movie-goer over 'texting.'  A week ago, an acquaintance of mine received a telephone call telling him that his 31 year old son had committed suicide. This past weekend two Illinois State University students died tragically. The male student, attending a fraternity function passed out outside in sub-freezing temperatures and froze to death. Across town, the same night, a female coed died; alcohol poisoning is suspected. Also, within the past ten days, a Purdue University (graduate teaching-assistant) engineering student shot and killed another engineering student.

I know of no one who can advance any logical reasons for the destructive behavior that appears rampant in our society. I can offer nothing to explain this escalating madness. I believe we can agree that the one common denominator amongst all these events appears to be 'hopelessness' acted upon.
Perhaps, many prevailing psychological issues go ignored or undiagnosed. Maybe the continued economic woes of our nation have contributed to profound despair, which plays out in vicious acts. Oh, I am sure that some would trace some cause-effect to the failures of the American educational system while many more point the accusing finger at poor parenting skills.

When it comes to gun-violence, we are all cognizant of the negative polarizing factions that become engulfed in heated debates over our nation's gun laws. I would think that it is time for multiple agencies/organizations to 'come-together' forging a positive polarization, which can agree on a mission to pool resources and formulate a short-term / long-term 'fix-it' approach. Personally, I have little faith in government agencies thus I shall dismiss them as part of the solution.

Historically, the three institutions that have been the anchors of America's fabric is Family, Church and education. The effectiveness of these three institutions have eroded.  The Family institutional strength waned due to  (1) Dr. Spock, (2) single parenting and (3) an economy requiring young mothers to expect the educational institution to raise their kids;  'womb-to-room.' Once the family eroded the kids were not found IN Church thus there became fewer opportunities for The Church to impact the moral fabric of the child. Consequently, we have asked the last standing institution (education) to assume all three jobs.

If this 'fix-it' is going to happen there must be an awakening, rebirth or revival of all THREE  institutions. This begs for and requires passionate leadership with equally passionate followers. Jesus Christ with but 12-followers began one of the greatest movements known to mankind. The passions found around issues of gun rights and abortion need to be emulated in the need for the institutional renaissance.
Then again, jus maybe our best Hope is the return of The Christ!

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