Tomorrow, I will send the following note to my grandchildren:
Hey Guys and Gals: Please read this note aloud before throwing it away...Thanks, Boompa
I am certain that you will be like most others; you will want to be happy during your life. That said, I must tell you that your current happiness is a myth, which is predicated on your parents provisions. There comes a time when IT (happiness) is ON YOU!
You can get to happy land if...
* Respect your Father but embrace your Mother as your greatest gift.
* Wish to understand before wishing to be understood.
* Recognize 'dangers' of loving unconditionally; then love unconditionally.
* Remember that most people go to their grave never knowing their mission...find and embrace your mission.
* Happiness finds all who serve others.
* Hold a passion for living.
* Avoid fads.
* Fear of Failure will rob you of joy.
* Feedback ONLY happens when you share.
* Know that which you control and that which you do not control; you both control and OWN your responses.
* Know the difference between... 'I WISH...I WILL.'
* Avoid cynicism.
* Beware of 'Can't!'
* Always question who "THEY" are.
* Come to understand the difference between worth and esteem.
* You will have a better chance to be more pleasant than smarter than others.
* If you believe 'things are getting worse' THEN find out what made THINGS BETTER yesteryear.
* Before you 'Get-it-Right,' you may have to admit you were wrong.
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