Every television channel seems to be covering protest-activities across America on the heels of two recent grand jury decisions not to indict police officers who, in the line of duty, caused a black persons' death. It appears some crescendo has arrived begging this country to have that ' national conversation' about race relations in the United States.
Okay, let's have the talk. However, please cut to the chase so we might actually do some thing to address the problems. Problems, which have long been identified by 'Black scholars; let me repeat;
Problems, which have been long identified by 'Blacks' themselves.'
After any national conversation it will be concluded that Black children need to be better educated than they currently are and secondly, Black men need to stay in the home with women they impregnate and thus create the role-model blueprint for family. Black men and women creating a home environment for children can then ban together with other black parents and demand a better education for their kids.
Shall we cut through all the bullshit and agree to put Maury Povich on the streets looking for work?!
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