It's that time of year when we Americans seem to be preoccupied with what the New Year may hold for us. Many of those religious soothsayers come out of the woodwork to tell us that Jesus spoke to them and then they precede to offer their New a Year's predictions.
I recall a few years back when the Rev. Pat Robertson suggested that the coming year would see worldwide violence, a recession followed by a stock market crash. Let's be honest, any middle school student could predict worldwide violence as long as there is a 'middle east.'
After most of these predictions do not materialize, the good reverend suggests that he suspects people prayed for better outcomes and the Lord listened and answered those prayers. If that' s the case, I shall pray that the Lord speak to these preachers and tell them to stop guessing about 'future outcomes' and just serve the Lord's people.
That said, I have my own 2015 predictions, which I conclude without Divine help: Birds will continue to fly into my patio windows, parents of school children will continue to bitch about teachers giving homework and coaches yelling at players. Folks will continue to talk out of both sides of their mouth regarding 'race relations' and the Mexican border issue problems will be resolved as Americans go to ALL AstroTurf lawns.
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