At the close of these comments feel free to Facebook 'unfriend' me; I will understand and not be offended. That said, I must speak to my true feelings and perspective. Fox News is not legitimate news but a television network driving the 'conservative' agenda much like MSNBC, which perpetuates the liberal agenda.
Recent days held three significant American news stories: (1) the racial/political assassination of nine Black people as they shared an evening Bible study class in their church, (2) Supreme Court decision making same-sex marriage legal and (3) a Supreme Court decision upholding elements of the health care coverage. All three stories pissed off the Fox Folks.
On Friday, June 26, President Obama delivered the eulogy for the slain South Carolina State Senator and pastor of the Emanuel AME Church, one of the nine gunned down by the alleged racist. Obama was not the only dignitary present at the funeral services.
CNN News covered the event as did MSNBC. Absent from the news worthy funeral services was Fox News. I would suspect if the event was Blacks demonstrating in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, Fox News would be all over that scene. Where was Fox News on THIS day? Their news team was interviewing guests regarding Hilary Clinton's unreleased emails when she was Secretary of State.
If you think for a moment that Fox News does not embrace 'boogieman' stories and divisive-scare tactics to persuade the public and drive their agenda then knock the scales from your eyes and hit the 'unfriend' button!
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