Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Devil May Care

I recall a few years ago, my daughter, who is the mother of seven children, shared with me the following: Her two year old little girl misbehaved and was placed is 'time out.' The resourceful and skilled manipulative child said, "Mommy, can we talk about this?"  This little girl is the youngest and undoubtedly the family 'Princess.'

Not unlike this little pampered child is NFL talented quarterback, Tom Brady. Brady got 'caught' misbehaving and the league's 'parent' (commissioner) Roger Goodell placed the big boy in 'time out.' A four game suspension 'time out.' However, just as my sweet-pretty little granddaughter...sweet smiling media-manipulating Brady got a lawyer and said, "Can we talk about this?"

I find it noticeable that we have become a society of self-absorbed, me-me, ain't my fault folks who wish not to be accountable for anything. We maintain an attitude of don't blame me or those consequences are too harsh.

The modern day philosophy is: All things are negotiable. Therefore, can we expect a Bible printing revision by removing Matthew 5:37 "But let your yes be yes and your no be no. For whatever is more than these is from the evil one."

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