Have you ever noticed how a 'cause' is often devoured by the very people who intended to serve it? Let me explain. During this 2016 Presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders, the Independent Vermont Senator turned Democrat, gained great traction. Sanders' revolution message resonated with the very progressive wing of the Democrat Party. Subjects such as wages, free college tuition, universal health care and trade, although suggesting socialism, propelled Sanders and his political revolution. He became a formidable opponent for Hillary Clinton.
As things would eventually shake out, Sanders would fall short of the winner's circle. In an impassioned speech at the Democratic Convention, Sanders made his push for Hillary Clinton's presidency and his plea to his supporters to back Hillary because several of their 'progressive causes,' which have been implemented in the Democratic platform.
After the speech, several Sanders supporters were asked if they could 'now' vote for Hillary. Well, they weren't sure or said, "No." Obviously, those folks are not very smart turning their backs to their passionate agenda or perhaps they fed on a 'cause' and became obese with self-importance. These people are actually weak in commitment. If you truly believe in something, you don't pack up and go home when things get difficult. Those are the times to cinch it up and push on.
The greatest 'cause' and movement in the history of humanity saw its leader put to death on a cross. Those believers, those followers continued with His message.
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