Tuesday, July 12, 2016

No time for hobbies

Coming out of church last Sunday, a gentleman walking beside me commented, "Beautiful afternoon, I'll bet you're headed for the golf course later." I answered, "Nope, don't golf since three back surgeries." I suppose he felt the need to pursue the inquiry and added, "What hobbies do you have?" Obliging, I began with an answer when the fella's wife beckoned him to carry something. Therefore, left holding my answer this past week, I thought I'd unload it with you readers.

In a nut shell, I read, I write, I listen to '50s / '60's oldies, I watch baseball games and I sit quietly for 20-minutes each morning in the bright sunshine with a cup of coffe on one side of the swing and Toy Poodle, Yodie on the other side. Mid afternoon, I head to Snap Fitness for a light workout provided I'm not engaged in yard chores. I find another 20-minutes to sit with a bottle of Ale while barbqueing...yep, Yodie is nearby. The past 2 1/2 years I have assumed 85% of the cooking responsibilities. My wife is happy to allow me the adventure into the world of gourmet vittles preparation...I love it!

Two times a week, I spend about an hour in my office 'burning' 45 oldies vinyl record songs onto CD's to mail as a surprise gift to friends...some whom I have not seen in years.

I usually wake up each day between 5:30. & 6:00AM. I post my blog, read the local news paper, check through Internet news and local weather. I take my wife breakfast each morning to our bedroom where we check signals for the day and watch some Today Show.

I mentioned that I write. I never miss a day without putting thought on paper for at least one hour.
My writings are frequently shared with children and grandchildren but most efforts have focused on the challenges of coaching and parenting the athlete. I have written two extensive documents, which chronicle my life's journey with my wife, Gerry. Our children have these documents.

I have had the honor of presenting 16 eulogies for friends and acquaintances. My eldest daughter, laughing but half serious said, "Dad, write your own eulogy and give it to me." I suggested to her that never works...using the words of another when expressing the heart.

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