Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Dizzy Talk

I spent a total of fifty-nine years in educational classrooms if you add public school years attendance and higher educational experiences topped with thirty-nine teaching years. This very day, I have five family members teaching in public schools and a number of grandchildren attending public schools and colleges.

A number of recent gun violence events in public schools have resulted in hundreds of lives lost and continues to stir a debate about the plethora of guns in society, mental illness and what should be done to resolve the issue. I'm guessing the solution to the problem would likely be found in addressing factors of 'gun control' and 'proper monitoring of the mentally ill.'

I refused to accept two theories that are frequently advanced: 1) The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun and 2) Let's give teachers guns. If these ideas are so damn good then somebody explain to me why the recent NRA Convention where Presidnt Trump spoke did not allow guns in the venue? Why can't I take a hand gun to the sporting event or the theater. I could be 'that good guy with a gun' stopping that bad guy with a gun.

The NRA folks wish for my teaching-family members to carry guns into the classroom but those same family members could not bring guns into the NRA's convention?  Some folks talk in circles...

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