Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Get Outta The Way! Make Room for #1

Much gibberish-jabber about nuclear weapons lately, eh? North Korea has obviously developed nukes therefore the United States imposed economic sanctions on that country and now the leaders of the two nations will have a summit, exchanged lies and sign nebulous documents as leaders grin and shake hands in photo ops.

My research reveals over two dozen nations with nuclear 'power' and nine nations with nuclear 'weapons.' Try as I have, I cannot find out what nation(s) hold the authority that grants approval to nations wishing to 'develop' nuclear weapons. Most Americans I talk with express the attitude that 'we' the United States gets to decide. Surprise, Surprise! We are God's special people! Perhaps we decide because we have the most nuke weapons.

Go figure...we have a large NRA contingency in this country that freaks out anytime there is mention of 'gun control' and yet these very same mental morons see nothing wrong telling other people in other nations that they cannot freely and fully defend 'their' land and their home. Why is that? I suppose those folks are disqualified because they speak another language, worship a different God or perhaps have different skin pigmentation? In any event, I'm sure our reasoning is 'solid.'
We're Number One> We Decide.

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