Friday, May 11, 2018

'Mullin' & 'Ponderin'

Grandpa E.V. Bennett often used the words 'mullin' and 'ponderin.' Once standing in his orchard looking up at the ripening apples, he said he was ponderin' how he was going to pick them before they fell and were bruised. Shortly after his brief ponderin, I was up an apple tree with a gunny sack.

I've been doing my share of ponderin here lately about making financial ends meet in the future. I've saved a few bucks and I have a good teacher retirement but let's face it, prices continue to escalate and my teacher retirement is always in jeopardy in this corrupt State of Illinois.

Lately, I notice gasoline prices on the rise, grocery goods continue to soar and I hear horror stories about old people eating cat food, turning heat down in winter months to near freezing and don't even turn on the air condition during summer heat waves.

In their advanced years, my parents did not live with any of their children and I'm thinking I must follow that example. As I age and my mental faculties diminish, I struggle with directions, i.e. Putting things together and the medical communication with insurance companies brings my blood pressure into the stroke neighborhood.

Considering the aforementioned frustrations, I have develop a plan to beat the doom and gloom facing oldsters. When that time arrives and the money-well dries up, I plan to commit a felony! You heard me correctly. As a convicted felon, I will be incarcerated where I will have all life's essential: A roof over my head, three squares daily, free dental and medical attention. My prescription drugs will be free and heat and air will be available at no cost.

Right now, I'm 'ponderin' my criminal offense to commit.
Lock Me Up!

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