Friday, January 11, 2019

A Good Man Always Remembered

Recently while rearranging things in my office/den area, I came across a congratulatory letter about my Edwardsville high school cross country team's second State Finals appearance. In that moment, I had a sweet flashback. In 1970, I accepted the head basketball position at Edwardsville high school and I was also assuming the head cross country position although that was certainly a sidebar notation of the basketball coaching announcement.

I realized that my new high school principal, Neal Schmelzel had just assumed that EHS position and his eldest son, Mark was a senior cross country runner who had been a member of the highly successful cross country program at York high school (Elmhurst, IL.) under the tutelage of America's iconic cross country coaching legend, Joe Newton. In fact, Mark Schmelzel was the individual winner, his junior season at the very prestigious Peoria Cross Country Invitational.

I had previously coached cross country for three years at Washington high school and one year had a squad capture a conference championship. That said, I was not near the cross country coaching knowledge of Coach Newton, with whom my transfer runner Mark had been accustomed. I was not going to fail this kid and short change other EHS 'Tigers' runners, therefore I telephoned Coach Newton and told him of my desire to be a better cross country coach. Here is insight into this classy man's make up. He was ecstatic with the opportunity to spoon feed me his incredible knowledge and he did so for seven seasons. He sent books, materials and periodically telephoned making sure I was digesting and appropriately making coaching application.

In my seven year Edwardsville cross country tenure the 'Tigers' won one Southwestern Conference Championship, qualified two teams for the State Finals and strung together 28-consecutive dual meet victories.

Coach Newton passed a few years ago at age 87. He always publicly championed me as he introduced me to his friends and colleagues as "One of Illinois' best basketball coaches and a pretty good cross country coach." Those words from a gentleman who won 28-Illinois High School Association Cross Country State Championships. Joe Newton's kindness and caring for the coaching profession was one of the greatest lessons in my coaching journey. Oh, how I cherished his friendship. The man epitomized rare in these times.

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