In 1811, American forces led by William Henry Harrison engage in a battle with Native Americans at the Tippecanoe and Wabash Rivers in Indiana. The Americans prevailed and Harrison was viewed as a hero. Eleven years later Harrison ran for President and his Vice Presidential running mate was John Tyler. The 1840, Presidential campaign slogan was "Tippecanoe & Tyler Too."
I have always found those Presidential Campaign Slogans somewhat interesting to examine. Certainly they are usually catchy and stick in the electorate's mind. Many campaign slogans hold 'tongue-in-check' messages which either demean the opposition party or give voters reason for hope that comes in voting for their ticket.
I offer the following Presidential Campaign Slogans as some of my favorites and suggest one for the 2020 Presidential Campaign.
1928- "A Chicken in Every Pot and A Car in Every Garage". (Herbert Hoover)
1940- "Better a Third Termer Than a Third Rater" (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
1948- "I'm Just Wild About Harry." (Harry S. Truman)
1952- "I Like Ike" (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
1960- "A Time For Greatness" (John F. Kennedy)
1980- "Let's Make America Great Again" (Ronald Reagan)
2008- "Yes We Can" (Barack Obama)
2016- "Make America Great Again" (Donald Trump) i.e., borrowed from Ronnie Reagan
Given the current status of our American Democracy, I suggest the following slogan for 2020>
"MAUA" >>> "Make America UNITED Again" **
** America is NOT the 'United' States.
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