Friday, March 1, 2019

Makes Me Sad

I commented yesterday about the recent conference meeting of the United Methodist Church and its denouncing of homosexuality and drawing lines of Church-participation for those in such relationships.

The next time my Methodist leadership convenes, I would hope they'd give attention to some important matters that 'really threaten' God's people. That would be the highjacking of my United Methodist Church as played out in the endorsement and support of our leadership in the political arena. Make no mistake this divisive, hateful leader has built a strong support from a sick-narrow minded segment of our society or worse.

Evangelical church leadership remains silent as its 'flock' accepts the following comments and acions from our President:
 1. I could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Ave and not loose voters.
 2. Putin was pretty convincing in his denial of Russia's election interference; I don't know why I  would not believe him.
 3. I don't believe that the Crown Prince of Saudia Arabia ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi; the Prince was strong in his denial.
 4. I don't know how it would have been to Kim Jong Un's advantage  to have Otto Warmbier tortured and die. He strongly denied knowing anything and I'll take him at his word. (When it was to Trump's   advantage to parade Otto's parents in front of the State of the Union Address and talk tough to Un,       Trump did that. And now since Trump and Un are buddies, he makes this disgusting remark.)
 5. China is more honorable than Democrats (Whatever happened to USA motto: 'Politics stops at the water's edge.')?
 6. Putin is a better leader than Obama
 7. I have reliable evidence Obama was NOT born in America
 8. Some White Nationalist are 'good people.'
 9.The Soviet Union had a right to invade Afghanistan because terrorist were going into Russia. Not True. This statement is siding against Reagan's administration and the United States government.
10. I'm the least racist person you know.
11. I have a great memory. I am like very smart. A stable genius. (Show the grades and test scores from high school and college)
12. All women in The Apprentice flirted with me...
13. Hillary can't satisfy her husband why does she think she can satisfy America
14. I will build a Great Wall and Mexico will pay for it.
15. There is nobody bigger or better On the military as I am.

These above ignorant comments made by Donald Trump  are not only ignored by my Evangelical Methodist but embraced by the same. I said at the beginning, it's personal with me. My Methodist Church has been high jacked by a hateful far right-wing posing as Evangelicals. It's time my Church leaders denounce them!

Readers: It is proven that a majority of Christian Evangelicals voted for this man and continue to  support a leader of divisive-hatred and racism. I invite some Evangelical or better yet a United Methodist Clergy to explain how homosexuality is more of a threat to our nation's moral values than this shameful leader. Don't tell me that Hillary was bad choice due to the abortion issue; that's poppycock and if you don't believe that your a gullible fool. Roe v. Wade is used as a political ploy by the GOP.

I remember when the Gideon's no longer used my father's Collinsville restaurant because the  establishment sold alcohol. How hypocritical. Those same holier-than-thou people filled their autos at convenient stores that sold alcohol and patronized grocery stores and entertainment venues that   sold alcohol. Those folks don't 'Cling to An Old Rugged Cross' but instead they cling to 'Phony show rather than a risky Go.'

Okay, I'm headed to the closet to ask forgiveness for my judging. I'm fearful what my United Methodist brothers and sisters' might be doing.

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